Chapter 1- A Fearful Premonition

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Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...  

It has been over a year since Luke Skywalker became a martyr for the Resistance cause. Kylo Ren has taken control of the First Order and has marched through the galaxy, enforcing a scorched planet policy to weaken the Resistance as much as possible. In brave retaliation, the Resistance has been gathering allies by diplomatically meeting with communities hammered by the First Order's iron fist. However, several communities have been double crossing the Resistance. In order to ensure true loyalty, and knowing that even a few acts of betrayal will topple the already fragile movement, the Resistance has emboldened on its pledges of loyalty to accept only the most trusted of members in its ranks.

Several months ago, General Leia Organa tragically passed away, succumbing to an illness she fought long and hard against. With heavy hearts, the most senior leaders of the Resistance have taken the reigns and pressed on. They have been contacted by a small planet, Juri, which fears the First Order's power. The planet's inhabitants, the Jurials, have offered to host a grand welcoming ceremony for the Resistance, as a gesture of friendship. The Resistance has agreed to attend, but where the loyalties of the Jurials truly lie will be soon be seen...

ON a distant planet, three suns loom high in the morning sky. Below is a bright, sandy desert. There are large marble structures forming what looks to be a city. It is not majestic, but it is just enough to host a kingdom. In a vast but shoddy market, human-like inhabitants with robes run around and chatter rapidly in hushed whispers. They are waiting for a ceremony to start- and they are nervous. It is the first time this kingdom has hosted such important guests.

Outside the city gates, stone vehicles crawl through the sand. Inside their dark interiors, where only a few rays of light shine in through the window holes, Resistance fighters wait; their faces are solemn, and some look apprehesive. In the front, Finn peers on through a window in the distance. Instead of being cheerful, his face is somber. He turns back to speak to face the other rebels, including Rose.

Indignant, Finn says to the others, "After dealing with all those traitors, we're just gonna step right in with our guns down. Everyone's cool with this?"

In a reassuring tone, Rose delivers a rebuttal. "You know the Jurials are isolated scavengers. They don't care about intergalatic politics or trade routes. Every other community desperately needs the First Order's trading routes to survive. But the Jurials don't. Not after they lost Artura."

Another rebel speaks up, "Rose is right. Our intel checks out; we can trust these guys. So let's get them to trust us."

Finn sighs, "I know it all checks out. But I've got a bad feeling about all this."

The conversation dies down. As Finn moves back, another resistance fighter, a rose-skinned alien woman with scarlet irides, puts her hand on his shoulder and says, "Well, if it's any reassurance, I get what you're saying. I guess we just gotta be careful... never let your guard down." Compromised, all Finn can do is nod back.

BACK inside the city, a robed figure is sauntering through the market as dust clouds blow past. Another hooded figure, whose ferret-like nose pops out of the hood, greets him and hands him a parchment. Disgruntled, the sauntering figure snatches it away and heads back into a stone building.

Inside the dimly lit clay house, a close up of the parchment is seen- it shows the famous Resistance fighter Poe Dameron, standing proud next to a fighter ship. Beneath the picture are the words "MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU." Suddenly, the picture is torn in half, and we see the hooded figure angrily ripping it apart. He takes off his hood to reveal a grumpy, human-like, middle aged alien with a ferret nose and ears. "More Resistance propaganda!" the Jurial shouts.

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