I nodded, soaking in all the information like a sponge, "So what will I be?"

"You're going to be the beta, and the delta can be anyone's choice. So if something bad happens to Titus, you'll take his place, and the delta becomes the beta, and there is a new delta chosen." She smiled gently.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" I asked, knowing it would be easier to tell a child that fairytales were real.

"Because, Tyler, you were different, normally a pup's eyes will change colors due to an emotion, but that never happened to you. We don't believe you will shift, and you won't be able to be beta if so. I knew it would break your heart."

I hugged her, "It's fine mom, I'm fine. I can just live on my own."

She kissed the top of my head, "It won't be that easy with leverage from rival packs and rouges. Rouges are lone wolves without a pack, not all are evil, but most are very determined to bring down as many packs possible, and the routines you and Titus have been practicing are your routines for a ball. It's every year, where all the alphas and lunas gather together. Your dates being an alpha's daughters at a nearby pack-"

"Did you tell him? Did you tell him yet?!" Titus burst in, excitement clear in his voice.

"Titus couldn't wait until I told you." Mom chuckled. "And yes I explained most of it."

"Yeah! Come on, I want to show you something." He grabbed my hand and we end down the hall towards dad's office which was completely off limits.

"Woah." I whispered drinking in the office, not believing that one day Titus would be sitting at the same desk dad sat in as an 'Alpha'

"I know, sweet isn't it?" He plopped down on the chair, spinning in circles. "Just wait till' I get older." He whispered in wonder. "We'll have parties, and mates." He dragged out 'mates' with a squeaky voice. "Just imagine." He looked at the ceiling, and I decided not to tell him about me having a high possibly of not changing into a wolf, because I didn't want to ruin his moment, and also because there was a small possibility that I would.

"Are you boys ready?" Mom chuckled. "It's almost late and you don't want to be late."

I remember how hard Titus and I had practiced just to get all of the routines right. "What about our dates?" Titus piped up.

She laughed again, "We'll meet them there. Now come on."

"No, this chair is really comfortable, I don't wanna go."

"Titus." Mom insisted, "Let's go."

"Pleeaaaase, can I stay?" He begged. "I'll be good, and I'll practice how to be alpha."

She shook her head disapprovingly, "Alright Titus, but I'll have the beta come over to watch over you." She sighed. "Come on Ty."

I followed her out the room, Titus sticking his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and followed her out the door where dad was waiting in the car. "Where's Titus?" He questioned as we got inside.

"I called Oliver to watch over him, he wants to practice 'being alpha'" Mom said.

"That boy." He shook his head laughing. He began to drive, my parents talking about things within the pick. It was weird being alone in the car, I was used to talking to Titus about stupid stuff, and school. Although Titus hated it, I loved it. It was a place with so much.... Fun. I didn't see how he found education boring, well, maybe math but only because it seemed like they were teaching the same stuff over and over again, and there was really nothing new to it.

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