chapter 3

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No one pov
All the magic knight captains are shocked that the new magic knight squad is standing right in front of them a team full of Gods,monster,and aliens.

Flash pov

Me(wispering):I think there to shocked.We should probably leave before it gets to awkward.

Female contender:Oh my gosh it's the flash.

Male contender:black canary,Aquaman,and Green Lantern,And batman.

Other person:So Awesome.

Me:Never mind.

Me:I hope we get a first mission

Black canary:Your not the only one waiting for one.

Wizard king walks out.

Every one bows except the justice league.

Wizard king:Actualy you guys are having a mission there.
There is a corupt bounty hunter but he been using take over magic and now he's completely out of control he's north of here heading towards a village.

Superman:On it.

No one pov

Up north from the capital in an open field the corrupt bounty hunter makes his way towards to village.

(Ignore gun)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Ignore gun)

The hunter starts walking into town where people see him and look afraid.

The hunter grows a sinister smirk and his grimore appears infront of him and opens up his claws are covered and darkness and grew bigger he leaps toward the first villager he sees and rasies his claw above the women about to kill. Until something hit him in his shoulder and sent him stumbling back.The women was able to run away.

The hunter looks at his shoulder and pulls out a metal bat shaped blade with an anger and frustration look.He looks to see who threw it and standing right infront of him was batman.

Hunter: We'll look who it is the Watchful protector of Gotham.what are you doing here.

Batman:Taking you down Tim.

Hunter:Dont you ever say that name again I am hunter now.Besides there was a bounty on your head I wonder if it's still up.

The hunter summons a rifle (the one in the picture). And a magic chain with a sycth blade at the end of it.

The hunter fires 5 magic bullets at Batman. But suddenly everything stop the bullets are still in mid air no one moving.Then suddenly flash ran up to the bullets and grabbed each one of them and ran behind
Hunter.everything began to speed up again.

Hunter:What happen

Flash looking for these.

Hunter quickly turned with his chain scythe ready to kill until

Superman of the Clover kingdom(On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن