meeting everyone

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Dang it, it wasnt skeppy its technoblade.
"hi new neighbor, im dave known as technoblade" dave introduce
"hi im y/n known as yo/n "
"Ooo you that girl that that in skeppy vid's right?"
"yup its me"
"well nice fo meet you, if you wanna talk to me im in floor 7 room number 6" dave said
"Ok umm actually can you introduced me to other youtuber"
"Sure lets go, second  floor number 1 its BadBoyHalo place"
We go to the second floor and knock on his door.
"who's there?"
" Hey darryl its the only girl on the muffin squad" I said
" Huh y/n?, hey little muffin what are you doing here with dave?" darryl said opening the door letting us come in
" well i move here & Dave here help me to know other youtuber in here"
" I think zak tell you" I said
" umm y/n Daryyl im going to go back to my place i have to record" Dave said leaving
"Umm ok" I said
" What floor are you in?"
"floor number 8"
"Well you make the right choice to move here, welcome to this apartment y/n" Darryl said hugging me
" thank you" i said hugging back
"umm can you show me the rest of this place" i ask
" Sure im free today, lets go to floor number 3 its ... Place" Drayyl said

You guys can choose who in 3 floor

Sorry for the long update i have many school project, Lily chan's out

~My Little Muffin~ Skeppy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now