Chapter Fifteen

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Did I mention that this is the last chapter? Heh. I might start another Maximoff Twins book when I get inspired, if you want. If there's a story you want to see, just suggest it! For jruecker22 and scarlettromanof. Enjoy, guys!


Wanda and Pietro were jerked out of their peaceful sleep by Cooper and Lila jumping on the twins' beds. "WAKE UP, WAKE UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!"

"Why do I care? I'm Jewish," Pietro grumbled, still half asleep.

"Get up, ya big silly!" Lila exclaimed from her spot on Wanda's bed.

Groaning, the twins got to their feet. Wanda adjusted her pajama shirt- which matched Pietro's. In fact, all of their pajamas matched. Apparently it was a Barton Family Tradition™️.

This year, it was t-shirts with Barton on the back and a number, like a sports jersey. The twins' were identical, both with twelve on the back- twinning, Clint's idea. The number was twelve because that's how many minutes apart they were. Well thought through. They were wearing random pairs of sweatpants, too.

Lila twirled around before holding Wanda's hand. "C'mon, Sissy!"

The smells of cinnamon, brown sugar, pecans, and bread wafted through the house.

When they arrived in the living room, a beaming redhead met them.

"AUNTIE NAT!" Lila screeched, barreling into the woman.

Natasha picked her up, twirling her in a circle before placing her on her hip. (Lila snapping Nat out of her past was probably one my favorite parts of AoU. It was so cute!)

"You came!" Cooper cheered.

"Of COURSE I came! Am I just supposed to miss your Daddy's world-famous only-served-on-Christmas sticky buns?!"

"Breakfast is ready!" Clint yelled from the kitchen.

"FULL FRONTAL ASSAULT!" Nat exclaimed.

Cooper burst into laughter as they raced to the kitchen.

The twins glanced at each other.

'This is ridiculous, isn't it?' Pietro said through their mind link.

'Yep. But in the best way possible.'

'How'd we get so lucky to get this family?'

'Our old one died.'

'Always the pessimist, aren't you, Wanda? It's Christmas!'

'To quote you from two minutes ago: "Why do I care? I'm Jewish."'

'Because PRESENTS! Sticky buns! And Laura made Challa and chocolate Babka for us since they don't celebrate Hanukkah. They've been letting us celebrate it ourselves. They don't need to do that! And did I say presents? As in free stuff you get legally!"

Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Twins!" Clint's voice nearly echoed in the room. "You coming?!"

"Yeah!" They chorused, running to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

'Do you think the sticky buns are as good as they're saying?' Pietro asked.

An hour later, the twins had discovered that the sticky buns were indeed as good as the hype had said. Presents, wrapping paper, gift bags, and stockings were littered all over the floor.

"Ok," Nat announced, pulling something out of her bag. "This is for all of you. Tony and Fury pulled a few strings, and I think that you'll be happy with the result."

"Give it to us!" Cooper moaned.

Nat handed it to Clint, who unwrapped it. His eyes widened.

"No way," Laura breathed.

"What?!" Cooper asked, craning his neck to see.

"The official adoption, the court date got moved up to this afternoon," Laura answered.

"How?" Clint asked. "Isn't Christmas a federal holiday?"

"It is. But like I said, Fury and Stark pulled some strings. Now, go get ready! It's a forty minute drive, and you have four hours!" Natasha laughed.

"God, I love you, Nat!" Clint said, giving her a hug.

"Shoo, ya big teddy bear!"

Six hours later, Wanda and Pietro were looking proudly at their adoption certificates.

"Pietro Django Maximoff-Barton," Pietro said. "That does have a nice ring to it."

Wanda smiled as Clint gave her a huge hug.

"Still playing favorites, Old Man?"

"No one will ever know, you quick little ba*****."

"Mommy!" Pietro whined. "Dad just called me a no-no word! Get Steve to wash his mouth out with soap!"

"Did you deserve it?"


"Clint," Laura complained. "Say sorry."

"Who's playing favorites now?" Clint grumbled.

Pietro smirked at him. Laura glared.

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry, Brat."

Wanda smiled. "I love you, Daddy." Pietro gave her a look. "Not as much as I love Pietro, though."

"Your twin brother has an ego the size of Mt. Everest." Clint said, knowing where the last half of Wanda's comment came from. He boosted her onto his hip like she was Lila's age.

Pietro stuck out his tongue at him. "Mommy!"

Laura rolled her eyes, ruffling her oldest son's blond curls. "Your dad has a point."

"Traitor." He took baby Nathaniel from her. "You're not a traitor like Mommy and Daddy, are you Nate?"

"Yes he is!" Nat yelled. She had accompanied them to keep Lila and Cooper entertained.

Laura laughed. "I tried, Nat! Blame Clint, a baby's gender comes from the daddy!"

"Clint, why'd you do that to me? After all we've been through! After Budapest?"

"What happened in Budapest?" The twins asked.

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