Chapter Five

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So this ended up being like 200 more words than I thought it would be. Yay! Also, once you're done reading, tell me if I should do a chapter that takes place nearly immediately after this one, instead of the time skips I usually do.


Pietro stumbled to the living room, plopping himself down on the couch. Maybe he could just get in a few more minutes of sleep before he had to take Cooper and Lila to the latter's friend's birthday party. No such luck.

"Pietro! Get up, it's 8:30, not some godforsaken hour of the morning!" Laura scolded.

Pietro had quickly learned that crossing the pregnant woman was not in his best interest. So, he groaned and got to his feet. "Why do I have to go?"

"Nathaniel is due in two weeks, so who knows when he could surprise us, Clint is fixing some stuff around the house and the farm, and your sister just got better, I'm not letting her near a bunch of people and their germs. That leaves you. I'd prefer none of you go, but then I'd have a kid rebellion."

"Alright," Pietro muttered. "Where is this thing?"

Laura gave him directions, and he soon found himself in the driver's seat of the car. He preferred running, of course, but that wasn't allowed. At least he knew how to drive, unlike his sister. That was probably something he should teach her soon.

"I'm so excited!" Lila squealed.

"Me too!" Cooper exclaimed.

"Not me," Pietro muttered as he pulled into the driveway. He was wearing a baseball cap that covered his silvery hair, making him a lot less recognizable. While the town knew who Clint was, he and Laura had decided to not tell everyone that the superpowered twins who helped in the Battle of Sokovia where living with them. Something about protecting their privacy, or whatever. If he was asked, he was just going to say that he was a Sokovian immigrant who was staying at Clint's for a while. It was technically the truth.

"Why aren't you excited, Piet?!" Lila asked. "It's Frozen themed!"

"I know," He grumbled. While Wanda loved the movie, he did not, to put it lightly. It was a good movie, but there was such a thing as watching it fifteen times too many. Lila strongly disagreed.

"And I get to hang out with Max and it's a pool party, so we get to swim!" Cooper said. Max was his best friend, and he was also the older half-brother of Lila's best friend, Connie. It was Connie's party that they were going to, Pietro had bothered to learn that.

"And I get to be bored." Pietro rolled his eyes as he pulled into the driveway.

"Nuh-uh! Connie's big brother Luke is coming, and he's sixteen, just a little older than you!" Lila informed him.

Pietro shook his head, but gave up as he parked the car. "Fine."

They all got out and a woman greeted them with a smile. "Hello, Cooper! Hey, Lila! And who are you?" Her tone and face didn't change at all, and he found that a relief.

"That's Pietro," Lila said. "He and his sister are staying with us for a little while. They'v been helping watch us while Mommy and Daddy are busy."

"Oh, that's nice. Now, c'mon, you guys! Connie and Max are waiting for you!"

They ran over to the two other kids, Leaving Pietro standing awkwardly in the yard. The woman smiled. "How old are you, Pietro?"


"Whoa, nice accent. You visiting America, or did you just move here?"

"I just moved here. Clint and Laura decided to help my sister and me out."

"That sounds like them," She said with a smile.

A teenage boy walked out of the house, looking annoyed about having to attend a Frozen party. "Hey, Luke!" The woman called.

The boy looked over, and his face flooded with relief at the sight of Pietro. At least he wasn't the only teenage boy here.

"Hey, man. I don't recognize you. I'm Luke." He stick out his hand.

"Pietro." He shook it.

"You're not from here!"

"No. The Bartons took me and my sister in after what happened in Sokovia. I'm only at this party because Clint was too busy, so they forced me here."

"So you're from Sokovia, huh? That's rough, Buddy."


"On the bright side, you're living with Hawkeye."

"That is fairly cool, I suppose."

"Wanna come inside with me? I have video games and permission to hang out in my room until it's time for food and presents."

"H*** yeah."

Pietro soon found himself in the room playing Mortal Kombat with Luke. It was actually fun, and hey, it meant free food later. Pietro loved free food.

"You know how people always say nothing in life is free?" Luke asked.


"Well, I just realized a bunch of stuff is free. Like love, nature, and depression."

Pietro laughed. "Ok, that was good. But I learned a long time ago that everything is free if you can run fast enough."

Luke laughed even harder than Pietro had. "THAT is some good logic."


Wanda twiddled her thumbs as she rad a book, Divergent. It was really good, but Wanda had a slight headache and couldn't really focus on it. She looked behind her as Laura tapped on her shoulder. "Yeah?"

"I need you to go get Clint."


"I'll tell you later. Just hurry, please."

"Ok?" Wanda got up and ran out the door to where Clint was fixing a fence. Her leg had finally healed enough that she could run for shirt periods of time. "Hey, Clint!"

"What is it, Wanda?" He asked, wiping sweat from his brow.

"I'm not sure. Laura just told me to come and get you."

"Alright, kid." He hurried inside.

Wanda simply walked, because just running that hundred feet made her leg sore. "What's going on?" She asked, walking inside.

"I'm in labor, Wanda," Laura said.

Wanda froze. "What?"

"I'm in labor."

Wanda looked mildly terrified, making the Bartons laugh. "Good for you?"

Clint threw his arm around the teen's shoulders. "You're something else, Wanda Maximoff. It's a good thing, I promise. But now I gotta make plans to take Laura to the hospital cuz this is going fast, so I'll need you and Pietro to watch Cooper and Lila tonight because their grandparents won't be able to make it until tomorrow."

"What? You want us to watch- I don't think we can do that, Clint."

"Sure you can. You're both smart, clever, resourceful, and responsible kids."

Wanda raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, so maybe Pietro's not that responsible. But you are both trustworthy. You'll do fine. We won't have to leave until they get back anyway."


"Good girl," Laura said.

Pietro walked in with Lila and Cooper an hour and a half later.

"Hey, guys!" Clint said. "Your Mommy is having baby Nate now, so we have to go now, I'm so sorry, we'll be back in a couple of days, the twins will watch you tonight and Grandma and Grandpa will be here tomorrow, ok? Ok, good. Love you!"

"Love you!" Laura said as she was ushered out the door.

It took a full three minutes for Pietro and the Barton kids to come out of their shock.

Pietro gave Wanda a small smile. "So I guess we're babysitting."

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