Chapter Eleven

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Clint bounced his knee, anxiously looking at Wanda. Pietro was pacing so much He was leaving skid marks on the infirmary floor. Wanda was so still, and was hooked up to almost as many machines as she had been the first time in critical. There should never be a second time in critical!

It had been three weeks since she got shot. Three entire weeks of constant worry and mostly sleepless nights. Laura visited whenever she could, and Cooper and Lila would have if they were old enough.

Dr. Cho was insistent on one thing: physically, she was doing fine. But her mind was still in shock, leaving her in a coma. And they didn't know when she'd wake up. Everyone was hoping soon.

Get well cards, balloons, plush toys and fuzzy everything: socks, blankets, and pajamas were scattered around her bed. A toy cat that looked remarkably like Mrs. Mittens McWhiskers was tucked in the crook of Wanda's arm at Lila's request. Wanda wasn't in a flimsy hospital gown, but instead a pair of the aforementioned fuzzy pajamas. These particular ones were black with the Avengers logo.

Most people assumed that Tony had given them to her, but that wasn't the case. Tony had given her Iron Man pajamas. These were from none other than Nick Fury, who turned out to be a bit of a softy. His cat, Goose, also appeared to be a fan of Wanda. Tony avoided Goose, saying that she gave him the willies for some reason.

"She's gonna wake up, right?" Pietro asked quietly. He hadn't talked very much since Serbia. He blamed himself for Wanda's injury, and everyone knew it.

"Dr. Cho is sure that she will. We just don't know when yet. She's a survivor, Pietro. If anyone should know that about her, it's you. She's gonna be fine, just like we promised her."

"I'm so worried!"

"I know. We all are."

They fell silent. Wanda's vitals started messing around again. They usually were only steady when Pietro, Clint, or Laura were talking.

"Hey, hey! It's ok, we're right here. We didn't leave you, I promise!"

"You gotta come out of this shock, Sis," Pietro told her.

Dr. Cho walked in with Tony. "WE THINK WE HAVE FOUND A SOLUTION!" The latter declared.

"What is it?!" The other two replied almost instantaneously.

"Speedy, you got that twin telepathy thing with Little Witch here, right?"


"So, Dr. Cho and I have been thinking. Is the link still there, even with her unconscious?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried. I assume not."

"Well, we want to find out if it is still there. And if it is, you might could use it to wake her up."

"You see Mr. Maximoff, we think that if your connection can theoretically can bring you back to life, why wouldn't it be able to pull your sister out of her coma?" Dr Cho asked. "The idea is simple. You enter the link the way that you usually would and you help and/or convince her to wake back back up."

"But you don't know if it'll work."

"No," Dr. Cho stated. "But we'll never know until we try."

Pietro took a deep breath, looking over at Clint. "I guess I can give it a shot. I'm willing to try anything that could get my sister back."

"Well then, get to it!" Tony said.

Pietro sat down, clearing his mind, before reaching out. "Wanda?"

A voice so faint that he could barely hear it answered him. "Pietro?"

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