Chapter Three

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Promised G-tube pic^^^ that one looks slightly irritated, but not BAD, just slightly, so I went with that one

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Promised G-tube pic^^^ that one looks slightly irritated, but not BAD, just slightly, so I went with that one.


"So, as you know, this medical wing wasn't finished when we moved in. But they're going to be finishing it during the next two weeks, so you two need to be outta here," Clint said. "We were going to just have you get the same treatment in your rooms, but we thought of something else. How would you like to come stay with my family for a couple of weeks? They're loud, and very into physical contact, but they'd love you guys. My wife already agreed if you want to come."

The twins froze. "Are you serious?" Pietro asked, almost dropping the two light weights he was holding.

"We don't want to impose on you," Wanda said from her sitting position in her bed.

"You wouldn't be," Clint assured them. "It was my and my wife's idea. My kids heard about it, and got more than a little overexcited. If you want to worry about something, worry about how my son is going to try to make you play baseball whenever my daughter isn't force feeding you mac n cheese and pizza rolls while torturing you with Frozen on repeat."

"I have no idea what either of those food things are, and I barely know what Frozen even is," Pietro said.

"Well, don't tell that to Lila. Then you really won't escape. What do you say? You want to come?"

Wanda and Pietro had a telepathic conversation. 'Piet, do you really think that they don't mind?'

'I think so.'

'What if we don't like it there? I'm barely used to being HERE and we've been here almost three weeks.'

'Really more like a month if count when we were unconscious.'


'Fine. Why don't you ask?' There was silence from Wanda, but Pietro could sense her anxiety. He rolled his eyes. 'Fine, I'll ask.'

"Hey, Clint?"


"What if we want to leave for some reason? Like, if we get to overwhelmed or something."

"Then you can come back here. You guys can do whatever you need, don't worry about it."


"No problem, kid." He pretended not to notice the pointed look Pietro gave his sister. "So?"

The twins exchanged looks before nodding. "We'll go," Pietro said.

Clint clapped him on the back. "Good! How about you two go pack your bags, and we'll leave in about two hours, so you'll have plenty of time to eat, shower, change, and y'know, PACK. I'll take you to your rooms."

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