"i'm almost there." he said, turning into her neighborhood.

he wanted to pick her up since his mom left him the car anyway when she and his little sister w out of town, and her car being parked in his driveway would be a bad look anyway.

"okay." she said, and he looked at the screen again.

"you look beautiful." he said, making her blush, and it was a lot more noticeable now that she wasn't wearing any makeup.

"thank you, how was school?" she asked and he let out a frustrated sigh.

"it was fine, but it's hard to just pretend i don't know you."

she frowned, propping her phone up on her vanity. "you don't have to pretend you don't know me, nick. we just can't tell people we're having sex." she said, and it hurt his feelings a little.

"yeah i guess. if i were a girl i wouldn't want the backlash of people knowing i have casual sex either." he put the emphasis on casual, mocking it sort of. he wanted more, and it was starting to get to him.

what he didn't know was that sage wanted more as well. she didn't want to keep it a secret because she didn't want a relationship with him, or she was embarressed of him. she didn't t want to tell people because she was falling for him, and in her mind he wasn't falling for her. she didn't want to look stupid.

she was starting to get scared. she was having these unfamiliar emotions about the boy and deep down she knew it was love. and that terrified her.

"okay, well. i'm outside." he said, a bit irritated, but excited to see her nonetheless.

"okay, i'm coming out. see you." she said before hanging up. she stood up, grabbing her phone and putting her shoes on before heading downstairs and out the front door.

"hey." she smiled when she got into the car, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. any of his harsh feelings towards her melted away and he turned over to finally give her a kiss on the lips.

it was frustrating that they did everything a couple would do, and yet they wouldn't even admit their crushes on each other, however, nick still smiled when he felt his lips press against hers.

"are you mad at me?" sage asked and he shook his head. "never." he said to her, starting the car.

"i do need you to understand one thing, though." he said and she furrowed her eyebrows. "what?"

"you are mine, sage. and you let brandon get very close to you the other day. so now i gotta let you know that won't fly with me." he spoke in his thick jersey accent, placing his hand on her thigh and making sage all the more eager.

"okay, daddy." she said, and nick damn near crashed the car. it was the first time she had called him that, and to be quite honest it wasn't her thing. but he seemed to take a liking to the word, and she was using it against him.

"sage." he gritted in a low tone, tightening his grip on her thigh.

"yeah?" she asked innocently, making him go crazy.

"you are really testing my patience." he spoke, and she smirked at how frustrated he was getting.

"sorry daddy." she innocently spoke, making him go insane.

"say it again, sage and i'm pulling this car over and fucking on the side of this road where everyone can see. and if you think i'm joking go ahead and test me." he says and it makes her shiver.

she decided to be quiet because she hasn't dealt with this side of nick and she didn't want to chance it.

he wasn't going to. but in his head, she didn't have to know that. he just wanted her to stop teasing him, and she did.

the diary; nick maraWhere stories live. Discover now