Chapter Fifteen

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Gemma returned to her room. At first, she occupied herself with the pretence of being busy clearing things away. But then after ten minutes give up the pretence, and instead sat on the edge of her bed clutching one of her tops she planned to pack away, staring at the wall in front of her.

Her mind was all over the place, trying to take in everything Jake had told her about Caroline, and what had happened to her. Having to carry the terrible secret for so long, obviously had not been easy on either of them. Gemma was feeling little guilty, because she always imagined that Jake had everything he wanted, fame, fortune. and she had always assumed he had been too occupied enjoying it all, to even think of her, or want her in his life anymore.

Now, she knew that had not strictly been the case, and she felt like crying, not sure if it was for Caroline and Jake and what had happened, or for herself and Jake. Things had become so messed up along the way, and she didn't know what to do for the best.

She had been so used to functioning by hiding her true feeling and emotions, even from herself for so long, as a protection, that she wasn't sure she could be any other way.

But she knew that was what Jake was wanting her to do lately.

Even after all that had happened with Caroline, he was still willing to go with his heart, and take chances. Whilst she was the opposite, preferring to rely on herself and thinking with her head. So far it had saved her from ever being hurt again, even if it meant she went it alone. Even now, she forced herself to stay in control and not give way to the tears that were threatening, after all. blubbering would get her nowhere. She just had to think straight, and try and deal with this sensibly for her sake, as well as Jake and Ellie's.

They had all been through enough without any more turmoil.

Although have the reputation of acting on impulse, and rushing headlong into some sort of mayhem for the majority of his life, Jake had learned his lesson from being with Caroline, this was not always the best way to go. He had been so busy at the time trying to figure her out and fix her. thinking in his arrogance it was going to turn out all right, and she would hail him as her saviour, and they would be happy ever after. He never gave a second thought that he would fail.

But he had failed, as much as he hated admitting, he hated failure. Which was why he was not going to make that mistake with Gemma. He wasn't going put any pressure on her to do things his way, or push her further than she was willing to go. Even though inside, all his usual impatient instincts, were wanting to do just that.

So, when he encountered Gemma later that evening after the concert, when he went to check on his sleeping daughter before going to bed himself, he decided to behave as if their previous conversations were far from his mind, and play it cool. "How's her teething problems, is she settled any better tonight?" he queried, and could see Gemma's body and expression visibly relax that he was sticking to the safe topic.

"She has been fine, I think one of her back teeth have finally started cutting through, but I gave her some Calpol before she settled for the night, just in case"

"Good," Jake smiled and nodded, then stopped, as he remembered he had something else he had to tell her, although he wasn't sure how she was going to take it.

"Oh, by the way, I think I should mention this to you now, just so you know, after the tour finishes, I have just arranged for a little break for us all"

"Oh?" Gemma looked a little taken aback by his unexpected announcement.

"Yeah," Jake confirmed, his tone remaining casual, "I was talking to a pal of mine, Rex Murray, on the phone earlier, he was one of the ones who helped produce my album, and he's offered to let me use his Villa in the south of France for a few weeks, to chill and recuperate after the tour, and everything else that's happened" he then explained.

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