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Time= 04.35 PM

Indonesia: Hey, Papa, I wanna but some Indomie first at the mini market.

ASEAN: Okay, be safe out there. *Focuses his eyes on the documents*

Indonesia: Kay. *Goes outside*

Malaysia: Hey, Papa, where is Indo going?

ASEAN: He's off to buy some Indomie? Why? You wanna buy some Indomie too?

Malaysia: Um, no, I actually want him to buy me some Milo cuz he drank all of my Milo last week.

ASEAN: Well, you could buy them with Phil.

Malaysia: Okay then... but he's still gonna buy me Milo! *Goes to Phil*

ASEAN: Sigh... kids...



Indonesia: Phew... I finally bought some Indomie for me and some Milo for Malay. *In the streets*

???: Psst... hey you...! *Whispers to Indo*

Indonesia: Hm, yeah?

???: C'mere, I need you...!

Indonesia: O-ok...


Time: 06.12 PM

ASEAN: Sigh... it has been 2 hours since Indo was out there. I wonder what happened to him... Malay, Phil...

Malay&Phil: Yes, Papa?

ASEAN: Please go out and find your crazy brother.

Philippines: Papa, are you going to help us find Indo?


Malaysia: Why not?

ASEAN: Can't you see what I'm doing here? *Holding a lot of documents*

Malaysia: Okay, okay, we'll find him. C'mon, Phil. *Drags Phil*

Philippines: OwO



Malay&Phil: *Looking everywhere to find Indo*

Philippines: Hm... *Accidentally spots Neth* Kuya Malay, There's Belanda. *Points to Neth*

Malaysia: Phil, don't point to him or he'll know—

Netherlands: Are you guys talking about me?

Malaysia: Gahh! *Jumps back in surprise*

Philippines: Oh, hello Belanda! ^^

Netherlands: I actually still don't know who the hay is Belanda but hi too...?

Malaysia: What are you doing here?

Netherlands: Oh, I'm just taking some fresh air here. What are you doing here? And where's Indies?

Malaysia: Well, we were searching for Indo cuz he hadn't come home yet for 2 hours.

Netherlands: I have a bad feeling for him... I'll help you guys to find him.

Malaysia: Oh, you don't have to. I mean, we're totally fine, right Phil?

Philippines: Actually, that'll be nice if you help us, so why not?

Netherlands: Thanks, guys.

Malaysia: Phil...!

Philippines: Oh c'mon, Kuya Malay, he's a nice person. Don't be rude to him.

The ASEAN Family (Country Humans Randomness) [SLOW UPDATE]Where stories live. Discover now