Ask&Dare #2

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Indonesia: *In his room playing his phone with Malay and Phil*

Me: *Crashes into the room*

Indonesia: Oh God please stop that! It makes me have a heart attack!

Me: Bruh, whatever. I'm just here to give you more dares so come on you three, to the living room! *Drags Indo, Malay, and Phil*

Philippines: Ooh... another dares? Sounds exciting!

Malaysia: I'm joining if the dares are good.

Indonesia: Please... I swear if it's a dare with Neth again, I'll jump off the cliff!

Me: Stop whining, we're here! *Puts Indo, Malay, and Phil in the living room*

Malaysia: Oof.

Indonesia: Ouch, next time put us nicely!

Me: Ok, ok, sorry...

Brunei: What's the dare, Author Kawaii-Chan?

Myanmar: Is there A dare where we watch memes?

Cambodia: Playing online games?

Singapore: Economy?

Thailand: Flirting with Viet?

Vietnam: What? *Doesn't pay attention*

Me: Uhh... no. These are the dares and it's from my friend, Harmony_205 !

 These are the dares and it's from my friend, Harmony_205 !

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Me: I love this dare already.

Vietnam: What? Singing a Japanese song with Japan and eating Indomie?

Singapore: This is wasting my time. I'm going back to work.

Me: Nu-uh, you stay here, you workaholic!

Singapore: Sigh... Fine. What should we do first?

Indonesia: Can we eat Indomie first? *Eyes sparkles*

Me: Nope, we're singing a Japanese song first with... *Clicks her finger*

Japan: *Appeared like magic*

Me: ...Japan!

Japan: I heard we're gonna sing a Japanese song, huh?

Me: Mhm, and I already picked one song for you guys to sing!

Japan: Sound good to me!

Me: Okay, guys, here's the lyrics... *Gives the lyrics to everyone*

Laos: *Sees the lyrics with a confused face* Japanese...?

Me: Yeah of course it's Japanese, you dum dum! What else could it be?

Malaysia: I thought we're gonna sing the English cover.

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