♡MC x Lucio - You're What?!♡

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Once they had seen all there was to see, MC guided Lucio to the shop so they could drop off some herbs that Asra had requested. It was when they had turned onto the less crowded streets that MC began to feel uneasy. They sensed a presence that had followed the pair from the market and they could not tell whether they were friend or foe.

Seeing as Asra wasn't home, MC just left the herbs on the counter with a note for the other magician before exiting the shop once more.

Thinking the follower was merely a coincidence, MC said nothing to Lucio who still hadn't let go of their hand.

The pair eventually made their way down to the community theatre, just in time to grab the last tickets to the show and take their seats before the curtain rose.

~time skip~

After the play had finished and the audience poured out of the doors, MC felt Lucio's hand tugging them away from the crowd. He led them to the coliseum and stood in the middle of it.

"Lucio. what exactly are we doing?" MC questioned, looking around partly out of confusion, partly out of suspicion of being followed.

The Count only grinned and located the entrance in the ground. MC looked down and there in front of them was the entrance to the Red Market.

Without another word, Lucio tugged MC along to find some more interesting activities.


As soon as they reached the Red Market, Lucio was all over the stalls that sold much more extravagant and rare items.

As they perused the stands, something caught MC's eye. They stopped to look at a stall that was offering trinkets that were supposedly from the distant Kingdom of Danafor.

The table was covered in a red velvet cloth and the items displayed were all resting on small black and gold plush pillows.

"All of these items hail from the great Kingdom of Danafor! Each is genuine and one of a kind," the vendor explained as he appeared from the red curtain being the stall.

"Genuine, you say?" MC said with a quizzical look as they gently placed their hand on one of the items.

The vendor agreed and opened his mouth to elaborate.

Meanwhile, Lucio, who had been prattling on about one thing or another, noticed that MC was no longer by his side.

He turned to look over his shoulder to see MC standing at a merchant's stall. A stall he knew for a fact sold nothing but fakes.

Not wanting MC to be duped, he marched right over to tell off the vendor when he overheard what MC was saying.

"If this crown is so genuine, please explain to me why there are 12 rubies?" MC questioned.

Lucio was confused. What did MC know about crowns and gems?

The vendor furrowed his brow at the question.

"What about 13 rubies? There are only 12 on the crown, a perfect even number."

MC sneered, something quite uncommon for the magician.

"Rediculous. Any self-respecting vendor of such precious royal artefacts would be aware of the significance of 13 rubies on this crown. Furthermore, the crown is also clearly a fake because the fake gold coating is flaking off to my touch.  You cannot deceive me with these trinkets of yours. They are nothing more than sorry excuses for counterfeits."

MC then turned on their heel, clearly upset by the exchange and without looking where they were going, ran straight into Lucio's chest.

"Whoa there, MC," he said pulling MC away from his chest and holding on to their shoulders. "What's wrong, you got all upset over some crappy fakes? It's not like you to get so heated,"

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