238 11 22

Jimin •

"Hey, Taehyung."

Tae grins at me brightly from his seat at the table. "I already got your coffee!"

"You are literally the best," I flash a smile, sitting down at the empty seat.

"I know," Taehyung laughs, pushing a coffee cup across the table toward me. "How was your morning?"

I take a long drink of coffee, smiling at the sweet caramel macchiato. "My morning was pretty great. Is Hoseok coming?"

"No, he's hanging with Yoongi today, I think Yoongi had an anxiety attack this morning."

I blink, setting down my cup. "An anxiety attack?"

"Yeah, Yoongi has days where something will trigger an anxiety attack, so Hoseok makes him stay home from those twenty jobs he's working," Taehyung takes a sip of coffee, pursing his lips contemplatively. "I kind of think Yoongi's anxiety is because he can sense things we can't, so he gets stressed about it."

I ignore the last statement, blinking at Taehyung. "Is he okay?"

"Aw, you're concerned," the other boy gives me a smile, leaning his chin on his hands. "You and Yoongi are such a cute couple."

"Of course I'm concerned, why wouldn't I - " I pause, registering what he said. "We're not a couple, Taehyung."

"But you will be, probably."

"Can we get back on Yoongi's anxiety attack?"

"Sorry, Chim." Taehyung frowns, taking a bite of his breakfast wrap. "Hoseok will probably stay with him until it's time for the bar to open, then Yoongi will sleep or something until Jae gets home. That's how it usually works."

"Yoongi's just alone when Hoseok goes to Blue Sky?"

"Not by Hoseok's choice," Taehyung shrugs. "Yoongi makes him go, anyway Seokie needs to be there as manager."

"Hm." I frown at my coffee cup, running my finger around the outside of the kid, a slow circle. "I'm not working tonight."

"Okay?" Taehyung chuckles, leaning back in his seat. "What are your plans?"

"Do you think..." I exhale, unsure. "Should I try to stay with Yoongi while Hoseok is at work?"

It takes a minute, but Taehyung's face lights up. "Oh my god, yes! You guys can watch a movie and cuddle and drink tea."

"We're not a c - okay."

Taehyung grins, bouncing to his feet. "You can surprise him! Let's pick up something for him, then you can drop by with that excuse!"

I grin at Taehyung's excitement, standing. "Sure. Thanks."

"Gotta help my wingman get his mans," Taehyung bounces off and I close my eyes briefly, letting out a breath before I hurry to catch up with him.

"Ooh, how about you get him a necklace? Or a ring? Or - " Taehyung turns to me dramatically, grinning. "Couple rings!"

"We're not a couple!"


I silently curse Taehyung, my eyes tracing the cracked paint of Yoongi's apartment door, fingers tightly clutching the tin of tea that I finally decided on, remembering our evening last week, drinking warm tea and talking until I had to head home.

This is stupid.

But he had an anxiety attack. He probably needs someone right now, and Hoseok is at work. This is for him, to make him happy.

I let out a breath, lifting my hand to tap softly, and it's only a brief moment before the door cracks open, Yoongi's dark eyes blinking at me, his hair slightly messy, skin pale.


I nod, giving him a bright smile. "I brought you tea. I'm not working tonight either, so I thought we might hang out."

He blinks at me, eyes examining my face, before stepping aside to let me into the apartment. I slip on the same pair of house shoes as last time, holding the tea out to Yoongi, giving him a grin as he catches my eye.

"I saw this at the store today and I thought you'd like it."

His cheeks redden slightly, blotchy with color, and I grin at him, my eyes lingering on the way be swallows slightly, tongue darting out to dampen his lips as he speaks again, softly.

"Hoseok told you?"

I shake my head, caught off guard. "Taehyung did, actually."

Yoongi frowns slightly, brushing past me into the living room, setting the tin of tea I brought next to the stove. "Don't stay with me out of pity."

"No, I want to be with you." I blink, realizing how the words sound, trying to fix my mistake. "I want to stay with you. So you aren't alone."

Yoongi's cheeks flush slightly, and he turns away from me, starting a kettle on the stove. I lean against the wall, watching him reach for two mugs, then make my way to him.

"Here, I've got it," I take the mugs from him, and he blinks at me.

"You don't - "

"Sit down, Yoon, I'll finish these." I give him a smile, leaning around him to set the mugs on the counter, and Yoongi startles, making his way to the couch, his face pink.

I can't help smiling a bit as I turn to the kettle, now boiling, dropping a tea bag in each cup before covering it with hot water. It's quiet as I make my way to where Yoongi's sitting on the sofa, and I hand him a mug. "Careful, it's hot."

Yoongi nods silently, not meeting my eyes, and as I sit down next to him, he moves away slightly, closer to the arm of the sofa, as much space between us as possible. I don't say anything, unsure why he's keeping his distance, why he seems so much quieter than normal.

"So...what were your plans for tonight?"

Yoongi shrugs slightly, his eyes on the small TV even though it's blank. "Nothing," he murmurs, and I nod, not sure what to say next, not sure why it feels as if he's a stranger all of a sudden.

"I'm not..." I pause, letting out a breath. "I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I?"

His fingers flex on the handle of his mug, a brief tightening of his fingers, and it's a long moment before he shakes his head slightly, his cheeks turning pink again.

I don't believe him, and it almost hurts, because just yesterday he was smiling, embarrassed, nervous...but not uncomfortable like he is now.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly, and he turns to meet my eyes then, an almost startled look in the dark brown.

"I didn't..." His voice trails off, and he bites his lip, looking unsure. "Don't be sorry."

"No, I understand." I give him a smile. "I know, I shouldn't really be here."

"Why - why shouldn't you be here?" His voice is low, eyes confused, and I smile, shrugging slightly.

"We're not as close as you and Hoseok, and I know that tea isn't going to fix everything."

Yoongi's quiet for a long minute, his eyes wandering the room, and he lets out a soft breath, turning to meet my eyes once more, serious, his voice low.

"Why are you here, then?"

I'm not sure why he's asking this, and I respond without thinking, my face turning bright red as I realize what I just said, Yoongi's eyes widening slightly as the words leave my lips, almost a whisper.

"I'm falling for you, Yoongi."


What do you think will happen?

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