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Crowley lets out a small sigh in agreement. The pavement beneath them is slightly cracked, teary from the ferocious rain. Crowley rudely opens the door of his bentley. Aziraphale feels strangely uninvited, as if Crowley and his car was in need of private intimacy. Aziraphale pops in, right next to Crowley, alcohol in hand. 'I know a place we can go then.' Crowley smiles, the risk of possibility in it. 'This time it won't take us so long to go.' There was a carefully cultivated sense of danger in their destination, the details of the landscape very vague. 'Crowley, where are we exactly? Do people usually come here?' Dozens of yellow birch trees surround them, their usual bright colours dulled by the threatening moon-sky. There seems to be no certain path here that is cleared for human invasion, and Aziraphale wonders why the heck does Crowley know this place. 'No, not really. I don't even come here often.' Miraculously, Crowley leads Aziraphale through a clear path. It felt magical, as there was willow trees to his left and right. There was a whole field cleared out, and Aziraphale admires the landscape. There are mountains far out of reach, and the sky is breathtakingly clear, which makes them feel like it's only them on Earth. They lie upon the grass taking turns to drink, drink, drink.


The night insects buzzes with Crowley's heart. 'Aziraphale,' he whispers, as if the word itself is cursed, and shouldn't have left his mouth.

'Yes, dear?' Aziraphale shifts his gaze from the sky to look at him.

'What are you thinking?'

'Just the time when you were all cranky in the bar because you thought I died.'

Crowleyt raises his eyebrows. 'Very specific.'

'Yes, quite so.'

They lie down in silence. Crowley now looks dead serious, humour evaporated from all edges of his face. 'Can I say something?'


'Is it sort of cheesy to say that I have feelings for you?' The words came out of Crowley's mouth without thinking, and he cringes from them.

Aziraphale's face is blank, indistinct. 'Oh.' Crowley panics from Aziraphale's nonchalant, simple reaction, fearing that for the next 60 years it will be awkward between them. 'I've always knew.' Aziraphale's smile is betraying and foreign.

'What. Wait. Come again?'

'You dummy I was waiting for you to say something.'

'Erm, please don't say that. This makes me very uncomfortable.'

'You started it.' Aziraphale sounds defensive.

'So, do you, uh, have the same uhhh-'

'Yes, you idiot. Gosh you're very slow. How can the most talented demon be so thick-minded?'

Crowley is at a loss for words. Mainly because he is realising Aziraphale isn't so dumb, and mainly because he truly doesn't know how to handle what's going on. 'Hey, why didn't you say anything!'

'Hello, how dare you! It is not my job to do the math, it's yours.'

'What the flipping-ducks. This is really damaging my ego right now.'

'Welcome.' Aziraphale smiles, which causes all the creases in his face is uplift, and takes Crowley's glasses off. The colour of Aziraphale's eyes seems to diffuse into the night. Crowley does not know why, but it is either because he is very tired or very enamored right now. Aziraphale suddenly touches the snake tattoo on the side of Crowley's face. Crowley becomes very still by the sudden contact, skin burning. Aziraphale's hands smoothly touch Crowley, knowing what to do. They lean in and kiss, their mouths smashing with delight. A nightingale sings faintly somewhere in the background. Crowley's skin burns even more with the memory of Aziraphale's soft mouth. His mind is blank, anticipating and fearing what will happen next. Crowley slowly trails down from Aziraphale's ear, to his neck giving soft kisses.


Aziraphale giggles, maybe because he is a little too drunk, or he is filled with joy and playfulness, maybe both. He ruffles Crowley's hair as Crowley does all sorts of think that lets out small heaves and moans he never knew would escape from his holy mouth. He feels slightly embarrassed, as he feels like he's being slowly unravelled, vulnerable and defenseless in sight. His lustful emotions override his logicallness, and dulls every other thought out, like the dull ache in a deaf ear. Crowley's wings are spread out, covering them both, as if the sky had enough of its peaking. The contact between Crowley's more tanned skin and Aziphale's skin feels safe, and unexplainably just. He feels as though he might faint, drowsy with delight.

Crowley leans in and kisses his cheek. 'Are you comfortable with this? Do you want me to continue?' Aziraphale feels Crowley's hot breath against his ear, making him shiver with surprise. 'You mean... eh, yes.' He whispers, unable to focus. 'I'm putting it in.' Crowley's eyes slit through the dark night. They continue slowly throughout the night.

'I haven't done this in a while.' Aziraphale heaved, arms hooked to Crowley's neck.

'Me neither.' They stifle a laugh. 'Great, we're both amateurs then.'

'But you are surprisingly good at this, kind of makes me jealous.' Aziraphale notes.

'Geez angel, you nervous? You're talking a lot.'

Aziraphale lets out a small moan. 'No, you're just full of surprises sometimes.'

Crowley arches his eyebrows. 'Well that was cute.' Aziraphale changes his position, and he feels more ecstatic while Crowley touches his sweet spots. Crowley leans in and kisses his back. They go on on all sorts of circles, and once they finish, they lie done for quite some time, exhausted. 'Well that was fun,' Aziraphale remarks.

Crowley smiles at him. 'You are so cheeky.' Crowley pinches the side of Aziraphale's face, and he genuinely smiles, face lighting up.

'The wait was worth it.' 


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