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Irritated thought
What the hell is taking that idiot so long?
He doesn't sound like he's puking, and he isn't making any noises or even taking a shower. 'What the duck?' Aziraphale whispers. 'Is he sleeping in the toilet or something?' Aziraphale comes with a devious plan and concocts to going to the toilet and open the door and pretend to be busting to pee. That's too evil. Grabiel wouldn't like that. Don't you want to see what's happening though? An inner thought surfaces that leaves him overcoming his goodness. He gets up, tip toes to the bathroom and slams the door open.

Crowley's instincts quickly makes him dart behind the pole. 'Erm, Angel, what are you doing here?' His dick is really half way out and he quickly tries to cover it. At least his back is in front of Aziraphale and behind a pole. Oh. This is beyond embarrassing. This is even worse than his fall.

Aziraphale tries to muster up his words. He almost saw his dick. 'Uh, Crowley, are you touching yourself?' he says with a pang of adrenaline and tries his best as he could to put the I-understand-dont-worry face. His lips go as dry as adesert, and he licks them thoughtfully and anxiously.
'Sort of. My dick has been annoying lately and hasn't been paying attention to me,' he says and laughs nervously.
'Right,' Aziraphale says 'I'm just gonna go back to bed. I kind of thought I was gonna puke but I didn't. Have fun jerking off,' he says with enthusiasm and leaves.

Have fun jerking off? Aziraphale you rubber-ducking idiot! He thinks. He jumps into bed and tries to doze off, flooded with embarrassment.

Crowley gets out of the bathroom after a few minutes, and the room is dark with a click of his hand. He gets into bed, embarrassment surfacing his very core. 'Ugh, Aziraphale. Sorry about that. Please forget about it I swear it's just a one time thing,' he says, unsure of whether Aziraphale is even asleep. Aziraphale turns around and Crowley blushes immensely.
'Absolutely not,' Aziraphale says frowning. Crowley suddenly feels like he's ruined everything between them. Aziraphale abruptly smiles, 'I was just playing with you. But I won't forget that moment though.' His smile widens, making Crowley laugh. 'I'm kind of weird, eh?' Crowley says.
'No, you were only jerking off. People do that. Everyone does. Why do you have to feel guilty about it?' He says with a confidence that was unexpected.
Crowley doesn't say anything after that. 'It's kind of funny how an angel like you became friends with a demon like me. Sometimes you're a bit of a bastard and dramatic, and cunning as well, and question way too much. Even though you may seem like an idiot, with ridiculous clothing' Crowley says. 'Uh-huh, you're the one who looks dramatic, darling.' Aziraphale pauses, 'Even though you look cool, playing metal and alternative all the time, riding your car and almost running over pedestrians, you are a bit of a softy sometimes. Let's face it, you do like causing trouble, but only for the fun of it, because deep down you really are a good person.'

Crowley's eyebrows arched. 'Er, hm? Is that so?'
'Okay, Crowlxey. I think you've had your fair share of alcohol tonight and you should definitely sleep,' says Aziraphale.
'Right, night Angel.'

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