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Crowley is almost frustrated that nothing happened between them this day and turns his back to Aziraphale, not wanting anything to do with the angel. He shouldn't be mad, but he is. Crowley's eyelids slowly close. Tomorrow will be a better day, he thinks.

Determined thought

I'll confess to him tomorrow. I don't care anymore really.


Aziraphale tosses and turns on the bed while Crowley's dozing off to sleep. He's feeling slightly disappointed with himself, and his temptation to hug Crowley has never been so strong. He's quite literally next to me, Aziraphale thinks, unable to grasp the reality of the situation. Aziraphale's human form is exhausted to the bone, as he'd tossed and turned too many times for him to focus on his next demoralizing thoughts.

Sweet ol' shitty duck mornin'

Aziraphale wakes up from the birds relentlessly singing outside. He unconsciously drawls gibberish and gets up from his sleeping position. His robe is slightly revealing his shoulders, and he just realised that he has taken up the whole bed and has wrapped the thick blanket around him as an alternative to Crowley. Speaking of which, where is Crowley? He tilts his head up and Crowley is nowhere to be found. He quickly gets out of bed and walks around the hotel room. 'Crowley, where for heaven's sake are you?' He yells slightly. He checks the bathroom. Nope, no sign of Crowley. He walks to the balcony and feels the sharpness of the sun's morning light. He finds Crowley sleeping on the wall of the balcony. He just pauses there, taking in the malady and chaotic scene. 'What in the... this must be some lucid dream? How is Crowley sleeping like that?' He whispers, perplexed. This Crowley looks less than the suggestion of Crowley, Aziraphale thinks. He suddenly gets an uncanny feeling that he never properly knew Crowley for his whole life. Aziraphale uses his angel-like powers to reduce the weight of Crowley as he drags him and throws him onto the bed. There was a small crack along the way, and Aziraphale is afraid if he broke any bones. It's 6am in the morning, and all Aziraphale wants to do is sleep longer into the day. Well, not really. He hates feeling unproductive and likes waking up rather early, to be frank. But as he sees Crowley sleeping peacefully, it gives him the sudden urge to fall asleep too. So he jumps into bed wraps his arm around Crowley, with no care in the world. 


A bird screeches in the balcony and it wakes Crowley up. Crowley, wanting to understand why the damned bird is screeching so early in the morning, translates it's language to English, and waits for the bird to strike again with it's awful voice. He feels a sudden comfortable warmth that's stretching over his body. He turns his head slightly and sees Aziraphale clutching to him.

Amused thought

How ironic, was he always like this?

The bird suddenly squawks and grabs hold of Crowley's attention. 'Why am I the only bird awake right now? What is this poop? I thought everyone was doing their jobs properly, damn it. Hey, wake up, weird looking long two legged sticks!' Crowley sighs and cuts the noises from outside with the click of his finger. Crowley gets out of bed and steals one last glance of Aziraphale. His robe is already slightly revealing his chest and his shoulder. Aziraphale's hair seems like it is actually glowing, like a spun of golden and white thread. Crowley isn't sure if the wooziness he felt around Aziraphale was attraction or that his brain could not properly work out the perfection of Aziraphale's features. This left his brain have an existential crisis. Crowley moves closer towards Aziraphale. He kisses his hair lightly. 'Time to go, Angel,' he whispers. He dresses up and leaves, though still feels like he should've stayed longer and experimented. 

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