he meets you for the very first time pt ii:

Start from the beginning


"Jack! You didn't have to do that!" You say to him through the speaker. You were talking to him on your old phone with the shattered screen and your new iphone 11 pro was sitting on your coffee table a few feet away from you. You hear jack's laugh making your stomach sink. You were almost at the point of crying because no one has ever treated you like this before. And you only knew jack only on that day you met him for the first time.
"I didn't know what else to do. Besides, you deserve it." Jack says with care. You could even feel the smile through his voice through your wrecked phone. It made you want to explode and melt on him.
"Thank you so much." Is the only thing you can think of to respond.
"Your welcome!" He says sweetly. You giggle and so does he after you.
"Hey! Do you want to see each other again maybe? I feel like we should get to know each other more!" Jack says happily.
"Sure! When are you available?" You ask curiously.
"I am now actually! What about you?" He asks.
"Maybe in like 30 minutes I'll be free?" You say.
"Great! I'll text you my address!" He says in excitement.
"Okay cool! Bye!"
"Bye!" You both hang up at the same time and you set your phone down with a sigh. You jump in the shower and try to set up your new phone before the 30 minutes are up. Surprisingly, you managed to do all that on time and look great before leaving your room of the apartment. You're on your way to jack's place with the GPS going on your phone.

You sighed in relief as you parked next to his door. You just hated the traffic and finding new directions to the destination. You get out and lock the car as your walking to his front door. You rang the doorbell and took a deep breathe waiting patiently for someone to answer. The door opened a few seconds later revealing a happy Jack.
"Hey!" Jack laughs greeting you with a tight hug.
"Hi!" You giggle hugging him back. He pulls away and grabs your hand unexpectedly.
"C'mon." He says locking his door and walking to his car (lets all pretend that he drives officially now lmao).
"Where are we going?" You ask feeling yourself blush hard.
"To the arena I'm performing with my brothers tonight." He says opening the door for you.
"Huh? You're in a band or something?" You ask confused.
"I-" Jack stops himself and shakes his head closing your door making you laugh. He opens his and starts the car.
"I haven't told you I'm in a band? I'm so sorry." He says embarrassing.
"No it's okay," You laugh.
"What's the name of it?"
"AJR." He says putting on his seatbelt and backing up.
"Why's that?" You ask confused but curious.
"Adam and Ryan are my brothers names and I'm jack. AJR." He laughs.
"Oh, I see." You giggle.

20 minutes later you all parked in front of the huge arena they're performing at making your jaw drop almost to the floor.
"You like what you see?" Jack teases as he locks his car.
"It's so huge!" You exclaim. Jack laughs and grabs your hand again making you more in shock in the inside. He walks you to the back of the arena and there's a ping pong table.
"Want to play?" He asks grabbing two paddles and a ping pong ball.
"I can try." You giggle grabbing one of the paddles from him. You walk to the other side of the table as jack is waiting to serve the ball first.

You both play for a good 20 minutes and you managed to beat him.
"Man, you're good!" Jack says wiping the sweat off of his forehead.
"Thanks." You say breathlessly. For some reason you were out of breathe.
"You want to lay down?" Jack asks with a chuckle. You nod lazily and he takes you to one of the couches that was behind you.
"Thanks Jack." You say softly. That's the last thing you remember until you fall asleep.

Later you open your eyes again and about to fall asleep again when you noticed jack over you. Your head was resting on his lap and he was looking up talking to someone quietly so no one would wake up. Then you fall asleep again.

You finally wake up completely and you realize jack isn't on the couch with you anymore. You look around and you were the only one in the room. You rush out the door and look around.
"Hey Y/N! Jack told me about you! I'm Austin!" A guy with aviator glasses says. You shake his hand and he had a big canon camera that he's holding in his other arm with his right hand.
"Where's Jack?" You ask looking around.
"Oh I know! Follow me." Austin says happily. You follow him for around 20 seconds and you see Jack with two other guys.
"Hey Y/N! How was your nap?" He asks getting closer to you so you could hear him from the loud music and the fans.
"It was good. Sorry that happened." You say feeling guilty.
"Nah it's fine. We're about to go up." He says putting on his snow hat.
"Oh I forgot!" You laughed.
"That I was in a band?" Jack asks snickering.
"I guess so." You giggle.
"These are my brothers Adam and Ryan!" He says pointing at them. You shook their hands and some intro broadway like music starts playing.
"Okay I'm about to head up there! See you later!" He says before walking off and to the stage. It was a perfect view from where you were. The fans started roaring with excitement as the boys entered the stage. Jack grabbed a microphone and started singing.
"He's the lead singer?" You ask yourself in shock realizing that you forgot to ask him what role he does in the band.

An hour and a half later the boys bow down holding hands and leave the stage as the big crowd of fans cheer for them. Jack walks directly towards you and smiles brightly.
"Well, what do you think?" He asks you with his arms out. You just stood there with your jaw dropped to the floor as jack laughs his head off by your reaction.


You wake up to your phone ringing making you groan in annoyance. You grab it and answer it not even looking at the contact name.

"Hello?" You croaked.
"Hey! It's Ryan!" He says happily.
"What are you up to?" He asks.
"I was sleeping." You chuckle.
"It's 11 in the morning." He softly laughs.
"Oh. Whoops." You giggle looking at your clock on your nightstand making him laugh.
"Do you want to hang out a little bit today?" He asks you simply.
"Sure! When?" You ask.
"Um... Will you be ready in two hours?" He asks.
"Of course! What are we going to do?" You ask him.
"Um... Are you good with playing games at my place?" Ryan asks.
"Of course. I'll be ready." You say happily.
"Okay. See you then." He says softly. You both manage to hang up at the same time and he immediately sends you his address.

You finally make it to his door and knock it. You took a deep breathe in as you heard footsteps getting louder knowing it was him on his way to his front door. The door opens and you see Ryan with the cutest and brightest smile ever.
"Hey! I'm glad you made it!" He says giving you a hug making you melt like butter onto him.
"Come in!" He says moving out of the way. You take off your shoes and hang your jacket next to their hanger where all his other jackets are.
"Is it only you that lives in here?" You ask with a chuckle.
"No actually! I live here with my two brothers and-" He gets cut off when you both see a big dog quickly waddle over directly to you.
"Awwww!" You exclaim getting on your knees to her height to spoil her with unlimited petting.
"Shay." He laughs finishing his sentence.
"That's her name?" You ask with googley eyes.
"Yes." He chuckles bending down to you and to pet her as well.

You both end up playing some Mario kart while you both listen to your favorite music and his favorite.
"That was good! What's the album called again?" You ask as you both are about to finish the last lap.
"Welcome Interstate Managers by Fountains of Wayne." Ryan simply states.
"Oh right! Thanks." You giggle as you beat him to the race.
"You're mean!" He whines as he gets second place and you're 1st.
"I'll let you win next time. How about that." You say sarcastically.
"Nah." He says wrapping his arms around you and pulling you down to lay with him on the couch. You felt like your heart was about to beat out of your chest and your cheeks were about to explode with fire.
"Shhh..." he says caressing your hair making you shiver slightly in delight. And everything faded after that..

You wake up and see your in your bedroom again.
"Was I dreaming?" You ask yourself disappointingly. You look at your phone and see a text from Ryan.

Ryan: Hanging out was fun today. We should hangout sometime again soon! Also, I had to carry you home. You wouldn't wake up lol :)

You drop your phone and cover your face in embarrassment but also happiness. That was definitely not a dream.

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