Year 2, Chapter 7. The Snake Charmer.

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🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤A week ago I witnessed the most pathetic seeker, and no it's not Harry

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A week ago I witnessed the most pathetic seeker, and no it's not Harry. It was Draco Mouthy Malfoy. The stupid fanny bum got injured because he is not a proper seeker. I'm half tempted to go to Snape and ask if I can replace him. In fact, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I get up from the couch but that's when Ivory stopped me.
"Where are you going, we are studying at the moment."
I roll my eyes. "You're pretending to study." She glares at me. "That's not the point." I look at her questionably,
"It's not?"

"You're leaving my presence without saying goodbye." 
I shake my head playfully.
"And they say I'm conceded."
I get on my hands and knees, Ivory looks at me with slight concern by raising her thinly arch eyebrows, and her deep brown eyes go wide.

"Oh my great Ivory, I beg thee for forgiveness, I did not say goodbye properly. What can your faithful servant due to make it up to you?"
Ivory stands up, looks around then jumps, and by the impact of weight and my body lying on the ground was apparent she jumped on me.

"Don't ever do that again, that is how you will make it up to me."
Ivory gets up first, brushing her robes, and tries to straighten her tie. I start to get up when I noticed everyone rushing out of the common room. Oh almost forgot about the dueling club thing.

"Ivory to the great hall, Professor Lockhart will be there," Ebony yells. How in merlins name did see get into Slytherins common room? Actually, you know what, I don't want to know.
"What are you doing on your one knee? not planning on purposing to my sister are you?"

I look at Ivory who has her mouth opening, finger pointed to it while making gagging noises.
That's when I get up fully, and playfully shove her. She smiles and runs away and I follow close behind.

The three of us reach the great hall where we see one of the benches covered in blue cloth. The moon phases pattern is embroidered in yellow.
Our houses are in groups, I wave Ebony goodbye and follow Ivory.
I see professor Snape talking to Draco. I look a him intently, I wonder if he is telling Draco that he sucks as a seeker. Too much to hope, I was about to turn away. But his eyes meet mine first.

There is a coldness as his gaze lingers, but once more this is something else.
"Gather around, can everyone see me, can you all hear me?"
That's when Snape broke eye contact, and when I finally could breathe again. "You appear rather flush all of sudden, are you feeling alright?" I turn to Ivory. "Oh I'm fine just...." I didn't know how to respond.

"Admiring Professor Lockhart?"
I raise my eyebrows. "Um yeah, something like that."
I decided it is best to try and pay attention to what pretty-boy professor, who I know is a fraud. He can't do anything right. He called on Professor Snape, apparently they are doing a demonstration together.

"And I don't want any of you, youngsters, to worry, you will still have your Potions master when I'm through with him."
Ironically Snape and I smirked at the same time, however, his smirk was just dangerous. Like I dare you dangerous. I watch eagerly to see who is going to spell cast first.

"Expelliarmus!" The spell light shoots out Snape's dark wand. And hits Lockhart in the chest, sending him flying across the dueling table.
"You go Snappy-pants!" That's when I got the death glare but I smiled instead of giving him the reaction he wanted.

"Snappy-pants?" Ivory questions. I nod my head. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that little nickname I gave him, maybe because I find it a little personal."
Then again I just shouted it out loud, so it's not so personal anymore. However it seems that people weren't really paying attention, and that's a good thing.

"Honestly I think he might give you detention for that one." I shrug. "He already has, remember."
She makes an O shape with her mouth, then nods. "Yeah I forgot about that, good times."
"Yep," I reply sarcastically.

I then watch Harry come up, instantly all my focus goes on him. Who is going to be his opponent?
Will it be me? My heart starts to beat faster due to excitement, however, if it is not me, my heart will beat in anxiety for I fear that if anybody dares harms, my brother. There will be hell to pay... Did I just say hell in my head? my, I'm growing up.

"Maybe somebody from my house." I get excited, please be me, please be me.
"Malfoy perhaps" he turns on his heel and signals him to come up.
I rolled my eyes and ball my first in anger.
Draco, Draco freaking Malfoy!?
Well this should be entertaining, however, if Draco does anything, and I mean anything that hurts harry to point he sent back to the hospital wing. No I don't want to even think about that.

Besides I should be dueling Harry, I've learned some new spells over the past couple of months. Ones I know that I won't give him a ticket to the hospital. The first spell that cast sends Harry flipping in the air, and landing on his arm, which by the way just got its bones back.

I pull out my want to move forward, but thanks to my robe puller, Ivory held me back.
"Don't do anything stupid."
Harry then shoots his spell, Draco gets the same fate. "You see Harry can handle himself." I nod in agreement as I continue to watch warily.

Then a cobra appears on the mat, lovely spell you got there Draco I thought. Then I hear Harry say to the snake not to attack. Eventually the Cobra calms down. "Vipera Evanesca."
Snape's cast, as the snake burst into flames. Then a Hufflepuff made a comment to my brother. "He literally just saved your life" I whispered to myself.

But I guess it wasn't just the one Hufflepuff boy. Everybody seems to be staring at my brother, murmuring things about him that I don't think is nice. "Your brother speaks Parseltongue, are you Parselmouth as well?"

I shake my head at her, I have no idea what she's talking about he was speaking in English.
"What are you talking about he told the snake not to attack, didn't you understand."
She smiles. "You are because all of us certainly didn't understand what he was saying. And you just said he was trying to tell the snake not to attack."

Ivory pauses then she bites her lips. "Merlin's beard, you could actually be the heir of Slytherin."
I shake my head, I know I'm not. Just because I'm in the serpent house, doesn't mean I am Slytherins heir. And I most certainly didn't open the chamber of secrets.

But once again that raises a question who is the heir, and who opened the chamber of secrets. Who set upon the doom of a student, and miss Norris being petrified. I now realize I have to find these answers because if it isn't me then who.

I turn to say goodbye to Ivory but she already had left. I chuckled to myself, I get yelled at for not saying goodbye, but it's OK for her to do it. Good times I thought as I started to walk away to the dimly lit halls of the dungeons.
Thanks for reading!!! 🙂

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