9 • make it bang

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aye lil surprise for y'all

ooh look who's planning another story hmmmm also, do y'all like my covers or should i change them?? ngl i like them but if you'd prefer something else i can try 🤪

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ooh look who's planning another story hmmmm also, do y'all like my covers or should i change them?? ngl i like them but if you'd prefer something else i can try 🤪

ALSO! thank you all for so many votes and comments on popular and transfer 🥺 i genuinely didn't think they'd blow up but for me they really did and i appreciate that ): also i'm sorry if i can't get round to replying to everyone's comments but i'm trying !! last thing, wE REACHED 10k vIEWS oN TRANSFER AND 10k oN POPULAR THANK U SO MUCH AHA I LOVE UOU 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


The mix of sweaty bodies and yelling was foreign to Donghyuck.

Yes, he'd been to a few concerts like this, however this was different. It seemed that not only korean, but american, english, south and west asians- any nationality you name it were there. It was interesting to see the diversity and already, the boy and his acquaintances were already allured by the flashing lights and loud noises.

"When are they coming to perform?!" Renjun yelled over the chaos, still weaving through the crowd to get to the spot that both of the boys were to be stood.

"I think in about ten minutes!" Donghyuck called back, not leaving Renjun's hand because he knew that this small bean could get lost anywhere due to his cute size.

"Ten minutes!" The shorter whined, tugging on the younger's sleeve in annoyance. He was very impatient, and the last thing Donghyuck wanted was for him to throw a dramatic tantrum like he often did in their apartment. Don't take him wrongly or anything, Renjun was an intelligent, amazing boy although he did tend to have his downsides at times.

Once the pair had reached the designated area of ovation, which was fortunately beside the barricade to assist them in becoming as close with the performers as possible, they dropped their clear bags and leant against the support of the metal, already exhausted.

At this moment in time, Donghyuck could already feel his heart pounding in his chest once more- Sure, he'd spoken, met the band member and had even messaged him but it didn't help the anxious yet exhilarated feeling blooming up inside.

"Everybody please settle down, SuperM will be arriving on stage in a few moments!"

Donghyuck let out a squeal.

"I said settle down!" The announcer snapped and Hyuck cowered down as Renjun stifled a laugh at the stupid boy, which in return the chinese received a smack from the younger.

"Dude respect your-"

"Hello, we are, SuperM!"

Cue the loud screaming.

The energy of the crowd radiated relentlessly, and the members felt the same as they bowed with all due respect, a mess of white, purple and black hair. Already, the crowd was going wild.

"Welcome to Capitol Records, and thank you for supporting us!" Ten grinned happily, brushing a slender hand through his fluffy black hair.

Donghyuck could see Mark's wavering eyes as he smiled to the crowd, although the younger could see past that (at least he hoped he could) and saw that Mark could be looking for a certain somebody. However, that wasn't what caught his eye. What did, was the barely noticeable (though it was definitely there) chain with a charm on the end which sparkled majestically in the rays of golden sun.

'He'd kept it on' Donghyuck thought, and he couldn't bring himself to hide the smile which gradually crept upon his sun-kissed face, basking in the sunlight.

"Hyuck! Hyuck is that yours?" Renjun prodded in his arm again. The boy simply grinned and nodded, his glassy orbs unable to tear away from the idol's laughing face.

"Are you ready sperms!"
no i'm kidding aha ignore pls hsjsjsjsjs

"Are you ready!!" Lucas yelled into the microphone, then pointing it out to the crowd who replied with ground-shaking screeches and shouts. A certain canadian's eyes were still darting around.

Until they landed on a certain silver haired korean.

Just the sight of him warmed his insides slightly, and made him feel prepared for his first debut. It was strange, how the stranger could do so much to him in such little time, but whatever it was, he wasn't complaining.

"Then let's make it bang!" Baekhyun yelled into the microphone again, erupting a loud cacophony of cheers.


"Okay, that wasn't too bad."

Donghyuck's eyebrows widened in disbelief.

"Too bad? Too bad? That was incredible!"

Renjun simply shrugged. "I mean, I've seen better," he suggested, clicking his tongue.

"Better my ass," The silver-haired grumbled however the smile on his face since the start of the concert remained unwavering.

Presently, the pair were outside awaiting their time for soundcheck (by the way, this soundcheck is a post-concert thing and it will be in their recording studio, just to help the story move along (: ) an additional treat from Renjun. Donghyuck couldn't be happier.

"Next two people please!" The security called, opening the door into the closed space of the room.

Just as they were entering, Donghyuck glanced at Renjun and saw him grab his crotch area quickly. He raised an eyebrow and attempted to stifle the laugh tempting to escape him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He queried the obvious, continuing to observe the older struggle as he hopped around in place.

"I really need to fucking pee you asshole stop laughing!" He grumbled and without further ado, he pushed past the younger and security heading straight to the toilets.

"Are you going alone then?" The security guard asked, raising an eyebrow.

Donghyuck sighed. "I mean, what do you think?"

The guard laughed and let him through, shutting the door behind the boy. It was at this moment that coming alone was a bad idea, as he would be alone in a small room, with SuperM. And Mark Lee. Mark fucking Lee.

"Hello! We are, SuperM!"

The happiness-filled sentence rung in the room, although he heard the lack of one voice near the end of the sentence.

When he turned to actually face the group, he noticed that his eyes only landed on one member, who had his gaze on him too. It was also that moment, that it felt as if nothing around him actually mattered.

"What's your name?" Taemin asked, stepping forwards to shake hands with the boy. All the members were incredibly handsome, hence why Donghyuck felt a blush rise upon his cheeks.

"Lee Donghyuck."

"Oh! You have the same surname as Mark, Taeyong and I!" he laughed, making conversation.

"Yeah, so do about half the population of south korea," Baekhyun rolled his eyes, a grin on his face.

Donghyuck let a small giggle escape hearing the group's banter.

Mark didn't think such a beautiful sound existed until he met the boy.

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