chapter 5

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Jeccys pov

His story really shocked me I wasn't expecting that at all .

So I spoke deciding I have to tell him mine

" My mom and dad were both scientist.
I didn't really know what they were into all I knew was that they were scientist and  I thought it was really cool.
Now looking back the pieces all adds up .

When I was ten they became more distant always with their team but not me when I asked they said they were working on a project.

One evening I was awaken by loud screams and I was brought to the sight of my dad killing my mom .

She told me to run but he'll has broke loose .

Now that I remember it was the tittle of their project " project he'll "

My dad said he will hunt me down for reasons I am not aware of but I haven't heard from him since so I don't know if he is still Alive.

That's it it's all I know
"Hmm" he visibly sighed

Then he said" it is our quest to find out what happened and see if we can put an end to this .

I smiled at him
And looked forward on top of a mountain about 20 miles away there was smoke .

"Look I think there are people on the mountain "
"Yes" he said

So that's where we were headed

It's been three days since we set out and I've found myself warming up to the pretty boy by my side .

I've begun to laugh and smile more but I know nothing can happen between us because of our current situation and problem maybe when we sort this all out .

Until then I will rather not complicate things and make it uncomfortable for both of us.

So we continued our journey with a big smile on my face .

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