chapter seven

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It's been about a week and a half since the run in with Trevor in the conventional room, and things have been awkward

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It's been about a week and a half since the run in with Trevor in the conventional room, and things have been awkward. We haven't talked much at all and when the group hangs out it's awkward long glances and I think the boys are starting to realize something is up.

I was out on stand when the rain started coming down heavy, in which case we clear the pool and begin the fifteen minute wait window. Once that had passed and the rain was still coming down, Maggie had decided the impending forecast wasn't good for a pool day so she sent home half the lifeguards, just
in case the rain cleared up.

"Looks like we're cut kid, you hungry?" Alex asked me.

"Not really, I kinda just wanna get home and shower. I need to nap." I sighed, running my hand through my wet hair.

"Okay. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked, beginning to pack by backpack.

"You've been awful quiet the last week or so, very unlike you from what I've heard and seen. Plus you've got Jack worried." Alex said, pulling his hoodie over his head.

"I'm fine, Alex." I said, zipping up my sweatshirt and putting my hood up before putting my backpack on.

"If you say so, come on let's get you home." He grinned, opening the office door for me.

Alex and I jogged inside to clock out and say bye to our friends and he got distracted by the fruit Ricardo was cutting up for lunch. I pulled my phone out and started swiping through TikTok when Trevor came in the kitchen with a bin full of dirty dishes.

"Excuse me." He said, keeping eye contact.

I stepped aside and for a moment we held eye contact before Trevor looked to the floor and went back to work.

"Ready Freddy?" Alex asked, several grapes shoved in his mouth.

"Yes, please." I sighed, flipping my hood up as we started walking out of the kitchen.

"Bye everyone." I called out.

"Bye Erin." Trevor said.

"Bye." I half smiled.

Alex and I walked through the building to the front door to spend less time in the rain. Once we arrived at the front door, Alex and I looked at each other with wide smiles before pushing the door open and beginning to run to the car. I loved the rain so I was giggling the entire time, spinning and dancing as we ran which made Alex laugh.

"Get in the car, crazy!" He laughed.

I reluctantly climbed in and we started our drive home, the two of us dancing and laughing the entire time.

"Thanks for the ride buddy." I smiled, leaning over the console to leave a kiss on his cheek.

"No problem E, see you tomorrow." He smiled. "I'd tell you to stay dry but we both know you won't listen."

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