chapter six

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"Definitely prefer the cold to the heat

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"Definitely prefer the cold to the heat." Luke said as we unloaded the cars back at the Hughes residence.

"Says the hockey player." Riley laughed, carrying the almost empty lunch bag up the driveway.

"God I cannot wait to shower." I said, letting my hair down.

"Cole wants us to go over his place, teams there they're grilling." Jack said, reading his phone. "Brothers and ladies welcome, of course."

"I'm down, just let me shower." I laughed.

"Good, cause you stink." Luke pushed me and ran into the yard.

"You're dead." I grinned running after him.

Luke took off into the main house while I went to the back with Riley.

"You can go first Riley." I said as we reached the front door. "I'll chill out here." I said as I flopped on the outdoor couch.

"Okay, I'll be quick." Riley said, hurrying inside.

I was scrolling through twitter when the gate opened and in came Jack and Quinn.

"Alex and Trevor are gonna meet us at Cole's after they shower." Jack said to Quinn as they started walking toward the house.

"Jack." I said and he looked up at me. "Can I talk to you?"

"This again." He laughed as Quinn went inside and Jack came and sat by me. "What's up?"

"I want your advice." I said.

"Sure." He said turning his body to me.

"So say someone you know like a friend of yours, develops a crush on someone in your family. Like say your friend Gina from the country club had a thing for Quinn, would that be weird?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, that'd be so weird." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"100%, you just don't do that to your best friends." Jack said. "Why? Did Gina ask you to ask?"

"No, no. Just wondering your opinion on it." I said.

"Why?" He laughed.

"You know that movie the Kissing Booth? That's the whole plot and I was just wondering what everyone thinks about it, I watched it before bed last night." I lied.

"Okay?" Jack said. "You sure you're good?"

"Definitely." I forced a smile.


"Showers all yours Erin." Riley said, poking her head out the door.

"Meet back here when you're done?" Jack said to us.

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled.

I went inside and Riley was in the kitchen, wrapped in her towel as she searched for a glass.

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