A Divine Explanation

Start from the beginning

Nodding, Jaune went over everything before asking questions. "What did you mean by your brother 'looking down on me'"? he asked.

"Exactly that. My brother, while seeming to be a polite individual, is a holier-than-thou prick. Whenever we would meet in private he would be a complete and utterly insufferable arsehole. He would brag about how many people prayed to him and visited his shrine. I forgot how many times I wanted to punch his face in." Darkness answered, sounding more and more angrier with his recollection.

'Should I be this glad to have not met his brother?' Jaune thought.

"Yes, you should be glad." Darkness said out of nowhere. "Do not be surprised. I did say we were inside your mind-scape, so this would naturally include your thoughts."

Jaune really should've thought that through.

After calming down, along with the geist arms fading away, the blonde began to go over the information he got. Being revived by a G.O.D, finding out he was watched by said deity, along with finding out his brother is a dick. But after some more thinking, he realised he never got the "Why?".

"There's still one more thing." Jaune said, Darkness raising what looked like an eyebrow. "Why did you bring me back. Wouldn't it have been best to just let me stay dead?"

Giving what sounded like a sigh, Darkness gave the answer. "Typically, yes, it would have. However, I brought you back because, in short, I need your help. When you awakened the Warrior, it created a backlash against the fabric of space-time. Bear in mind, this wouldn't happen typically, but it did because most of the work was caused by the Destroyer(2).

This backlash created a spectral rift, unseen by mortal eyes. This rift sucked in a handful of creatures, each varying in strength. They were deposited on Remnant in different locations, though luckily remaining in a dormant state.

I asked for your help because I believe that they will awake soon, and will cause untold amounts of damage and deaths." 

"So, what? You just want to hunt them down and kill them?" Jaune asked, Darkness nodding in confirmation. "Any Ideas on where should I start? Let alone tell me what I'm looking for?" he asked, hoping for some form of advice.

"Before you so much as attempt to hunt down these creatures, I'd recommend building yourself up in the world once more; such as getting weapons and a stable supply of funds. As for the 'what', on the other hand. The creatures you're looking for are what you might know as... The Invincibles." Darkness answered, hesitating slightly when mentioning the title of the creatures.

Remaining silent with his mouth wide upon, Jaune soon spoke the word that best summed up his current situation.


"I know this may be too much to ask," Darkness began, hoping to ease the blonde's trepidation, "But I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't believe you couldn't handle it. Back on Pandora, you were an engineering genius. Couple that with your gift for strategy and you are a force to be reckoned with."

Looking off to the side, Jaune contemplated everything. It was true he was gifted in anything involving in strategy, as well as becoming a master in engineering (mainly programming, but close enough) in his second life. Though there was one thing that sealed the deal.

"Well, I'd have to be stupid to turn down a second-or rather, third- chance at life." Jaune said to himself as well as Darkness. Before he left, Jaune spoke the two things. "Before I go: 1. where would be the first place to go? And 2. are you secretly a girl?" blunt honesty was always a characteristic of Handsome Jack, besides when tricking his foes.

Handsome Jaune (RWBY x Borderlands Crossover) {100 Follower Special}Where stories live. Discover now