Chapter 16

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Lydia sat there mouth wide open

"Lyds you look like you just saw a ghost" bj said laughing a bit

"Why wouldn't I you just answered two of my questions in one story!! Your story!!" She yelled excited

"Its no big deal..." he said turning back around

"Its is! I cant believe that's the reason your so sensitive about that!" She said still very excited

"Calm down I was a dumb depressed 16 year old kid who didnt know the consequences of being dead." He said blandly

"Hey can I ask a question?" She said sitting back down

"Hit me" bj said

"What happend to Laurens after he killed himself?" She asked winking

He sighed and laughed

"Well he appeared in the netherworld he was sent to haunt a house and the couple who lived there fell through the floor and died then he tried helping them get the people out of the house that just moved in but eventually he became good friends with the teen girl..."

She laughed and smiled at him

"I know I'm asking a bunch of questions but...why is your voice raspy? Is it because of the ya know?" She put her hands on her neck and made a choking face

"No it's not that..." he said laughing a bit then looking down

"What is it then?" She said removing her hands from her neck

"I smoked" he said looking up at the sky no expression

"YOU WHAT?! holy shit I didnt think you actually did! I mean that is horrible why?" She asked him

"Because it's like I told you lyds I was a dumb depressed kid and I didn't know my life was precious until I died until I hung myself now I regret it because I could've had a long life but instead I dicided it wasn't worth it and killed myself. That's why I dont want that to happen to you because I CARE ABOUT YOU LYDIA!!!!!!" He yelled looking at her tears coming down

"Beej I'm sorry...I pushed to hard...." lydia said realizing now she had asked to many questions

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you..." he said looking away from her

"I just wish I could tell Laurens that everything would be okay and it's not worth it. Tell him to live out his life..." he said still crying

"But I cant. And in a way I'm glad. Because if I wasn't so stupid I would've never met my bestfriend..." bj said smiling at lydia

"Yeah. But I wish I met Laurens he seemed like a great guy." She said sarcastically

" wanna bet your dad would like him?" He chuckled

"Uh duh!" Lydia said laughing

"Omg! When you came to life when we got married...dose that mean Laurens was there for a few seconds?!" Lydia said gasping

"Holy shit...YOUR RIGHT!" Beej said also really amazed

Bj kept ranting about that for a few minutes before lydia couldn't help it and started laughing

He looked confused "why are you laughing?"

"Sorry I just love it when you rant about something and you just look so invested in it!" She laughed a but more

He chuckled

"Hey lyds?" He said looking at her

"Yeah?" She said

"Thanks for always being here" he hugged her and squeezed her

She hugged back just as hard

Little did they both know they were thinking the exact same thing

I love this dork

A/N hehehe I'm kinda weird for writing this in the middle of the night

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