Chapter 7

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"Lydia I thought your dad told you he cant be here!" Barbara said very surprised

"Yes I know but I just dont like the feeling I get when he isnt here..." lydiajuice said

"He makes me feel at home and like there is hope in the world! So please Adam and Barbara please don't take my friend away!"

Adam and Barbara looked at each other as if they could read each others mind.

"Listen lydiajuice...we want you to stay so if staying here makes you happy we wont say anything..." Adam responded

"Thank you guys so much!!"

"Oh and lydiajuice as much as I love seeing your guys face your dad is calling you down.." Barbara said

"Okay..." lydiajuice responded not wanting to unfuse

In a quick flash bj was back in his body lydia and the Maitlands said bye close the door and left.

"What am I supposed to do..." bj said to himself almost sad

Bj went to the wall that held all the photo's she took.

He came across a picture of her and bj in the mirror

The funny thing with bj is you cant see him in photos unless there in the mirror

Which technically means lydiajuice would maybe have that trait but she is half demon half human so chance's are she has Lydia's trait which is you can see her in pictures not just in the mirror

Lydia came upstairs calm

"Bj I need your help"

"Anything spill"

"My dad thinks your a danger to me so we need to find out if Clair is coming today to ya know.."

"Yup got it"

He had a map of the whole town

A/N think about the little map in the movie

They looked to see where Clair was

She was in fact coming that night

They made a plan to make sure the whole family was asleep by then

Bj would keep them in the rooms if they heard a noise and tried to check what it was

Then when Clair is about to do anything to lydia she says his name three times causing him to let go of the doors them coming downstairs to bj protecting lydia therefore letting him stay

It was perfect and easy

They dicided to tell the Maitlands do they could help to

Luckily the Maitlands where on it they would tell bj and lydia when to start the plan.

They had got this

And maybe if they were lucky enough lydiajuice wouldn't fuse they didn't want Clair knowing she told lydia what her plan was.

They where going to tell Clair after they stoped her.

Lydia smiled at bj

"You really think this will work?"

Bj nodded

"Bj why dose your hair have blue tips?"

"Huh? No it dosent!" He made sure his green tips were back

lydia shook her head knowing well that he was just a bit sad.

She was to. If this didn't work she would lose him forever.

Beetlejuice knew that to. If their plan failed then he would lose the only person who has excepted him and was his bestfriend.

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