Chapter 2

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Beetlejuice felt as if he was losing his mind. How could he sound like lydia but not be lydia?

Lydia wasn't doing well herself it felt as if she had just been slapped straight across the face.

"Whaaatts going on?! Lydia? Bj? Why are we? What are we?!? This dosent make sence! Your telling me! Why dose it feel like we're the same person?! Walk to the mirror. What?! Just do it lyds if we're in the same body let's at least try to do this!"

She- well they walked in front of the mirror and what they saw was like a mix of them both.

She- well they walked in front of the mirror and what they saw was like a mix of them both

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A/N this is what they will look like in the story (I drew this btw)

Lydia almost screamed. How could that be possible! They fused?!

Beetlejuice was in shock. How could he a demon from hell fuse with his bestfriend?!

"Okay okay dont freak put lyds...but we just fused..wait what?! No we cant be fused isnt that impossible?! Yes but somehow we managed to do this!"

They stayed silent

"Well I sure cant tell my parents about this...or the Maitlands....well why dont we hide in your room until we figure out what the hell to do! Good idea..."

"LYDIA HONEY WE'RE LEAVING!" Delia called from the living room.

"Shit...UH I DONT FEEL WELL I'LL JUST STAY HOME!" They hear her coming upstairs

"Are you sick?" "Yeah but you guys can go I can just stay with the Maitlands.."

"Okay I'll tell your dad bye honey!" "Bye.."

They go to the corner of Lydia's bedroom.

"Let's stay here untill we figure out something else...."

So they stayed in Lydia's corner and all they where thinking was. Why us?

A/N can someone leave name suggestions for the next chapter? ;)

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