Chapter 10

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Even if beetlejuice was unconscious he could still hear what everyone said

He heard lyida crying

The Maitlands talk to each other about getting Charles to change his mind

Heard delia ask for a cooking book

And even Charles complained about him still being in the house

he could also feel. Although his hair didnt change color he still felt his heart shatter when lydia would cry to Adam and Barbara

If someone slammed him to the wall he would feel it but not wake up

And how dose he know that's the case? Because it happened that day

Two weeks went by and bj was still unconscious

Charles ended up yelling at lyida agian

And she went to the attic but the Maitlands weren't there they were helping delia with lunch

"Oh bj if only you were here..."

Lyida sat on the floor in front of him

"Ugh can you just wake up already my tears are running out now! My dad is still getting mad at me every single day he gets even more mad! Please wake up!!!"

Lyida cried a lot those last 2 weeks so much she felt she couldn't cry anymore

"Lyida!!!!!" Charles yelled

"Oh no..." lyida said

Charles hated when lydia would go to bj for answers even if she thought he couldn't hear her

"I'm sick of you crying over him he will wake if he likes it or not!!!!!!"


Charles grabed bj by his tie


beetlejuice was panicking not knowing how to wake up just wanting to he knew he was in trouble

"Dad stop!!!" Lyida cried


Charles yelled and slammed beetlejuice to the wall


Adam Barbara and Delia came running up the stairs

"LYIDA WHATS WRONG!" Delia asked concerned about why she yelled

They took a look in the attic noticing bj on the ground and Charles about to throw him

"CHARELS NO!" Delia grabed him

"Charles you have to understand that this isnt how you solve a sad teens problem!!" Delia yelled

"You have to control your temper! Did you do this when she was mourning her mom!" Deila asked

"No of course not! She was a human he is a demon!!"

"Yes but would you yell at lydia for crying over Emily?" Deila asked very seriously

"No." Charles responded

"Then treat this like you did when Emily died!"

Lyida was to busy making sure her dad didnt hurt him to bad

"Oh it's a good thing you cant feel this!" Lyida said

Although she couldn't hear him beej was actually screaming in pain

He hadn't been thrown to the wall like that since his mom was still around.

A/N when the font is like this it's what bj is thinking :)

Oh lyds if only I could talk to you...

"I really wish you could hear me..." lyida said sadly

I can hear you

"I wish I could see your smile agian.."

I wish I could see your smile agian

"I love you beej so please wake up one day. Dosent have to be tomorrow not even the day after that but please...I cant wait another week!"

I'll wake up next week I dont know what day but I will I promise I will make you smile agian! Mabey if I hear your dad yell agian I'll wake


A/N yate yote yeet another chapter done please comment what you think so far you dont have to but I would appreciate you do. Also I promise lydiajuice will be in the next chapter ;)

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