Chapter 13

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Lydiajuice was in her room waiting to hear Delia's so called friends come in the house

As if her mind was read she heard shouts of excitment downstairs

Great. She thought. Another way to ruin my day

Lydiajuice couldn't take it so she went to the stairs to hear what they were saying.

"Wheres lydia?" "Shes upstairs and she was being difficult this morning so she will be punished for how she is acting" "what a shame I wanted to see her.."

Lydiajuice rolled her eyes and went back into the room

"I hate them..I always had..."

Suddenly it felt as if she had to spit she had to not exist for a while

A/N me to lydiajuice me to

After a white flash lydia sat on her bed facing her demon friend

"What happened beej?" Lydia asked

She also had control over lydiajuice but this time she had no control over what had happened

"Beej?" Lydia said waving her hand in front of his face

"Huh? Oh uh yeah sorry I just uh wanted to see you agian..." he said and was obviously lying

His hair was bright yellow and yellow usually means happy right? Wrong

For him it meant uncomfortable. But since he was never really uncomfortable for lydia it meant he was lying.

"You cant hide a lie from me!" Lydia said laughing

"Its nothing lyds I just was feeling a bit..." he didnt finish the sentence instead looked away from lydia

"Are you okay? Did i do something wrong? If I did anything wrong tell me!" Lydia said

"No it's not you I just felt sort of alone.." he said looking down

"Ugh sorry that's a stupid reason to unfuse we can fuse if you want agian!" Beetlejuice said obviously worried for lydia instead of himself

"No no its fine I care about you as much as you care about me!" Lydia said smiling

Bj's hair went back to a normal green color with barely noticeable blue tips you would need to have the best vision to see it

And lydia has good vision but she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her

The whole night they talked about what they would do if charels were to punish them and what happened to Clair when she attacked lydiajuice

Lydia fell asleep on beetlejuice's lap and he eventually fell asleep himself

With out giving a damn in the world lydiajuice was back but not full of energy full of sleep

She fell to her side fast asleep

Charles came upstairs ready to tell lydiajuice her punishment

He opened the door to see her asleep

He sighed and left closing the door

Maybe having beetlejuice around wasn't so bad

He went back to bed with delia

Beetlejuice wasn't a bad guy

In fact to lydia he is the sweetest guy she ever met

Beetlejuice is a lonely guy

He never had anyone to care for him intill he met lydia

He felt the need to protect her and make sure she was safe

He hides his emotions to help lydia with hers

He is like a brother to lydia

She loves him he loves her

And he hopes that in the future Lydia's dad will let him stay

In the meantime they need to stay fused to not get punished

But in Lydia's heart she knew her dad had to let him stay. If he left she would leave to

And not leave with him but see him herself in the netherworld when she killed herself they would be together and they can have the best time

They would give the world to each other if they could

A/N heyo it's me sorry for the long wait I wasn't able to post for a few days but hey I did now sorry for the wait agian i hope you guys enjoy!

what are we?!?!?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ