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#141 You love the Beatles with all your heart.

#142 You are literally a walking Beatles reference. 

#143 You have a music scrapbook. 

#144 (If you don't have this already) You wish to own a record player and Beatles records.

#145 You don't care if this list is long enough to stretch to the moon and back, you will still read it. Haha.

#146 You constantly quote their lyrics. 

#147 You can identify who's singing by their voices. 

#148 You love their harmonising vocals. 

#149 You are slightly jealous of their wives and girlfriends.

#150 You love how George's accent is very different to the others.

#151 You love how Ringo's singing voice is so deep.

#152 You love George's overgrown moptop in 64' and 65'.

#153 Their smiles make you happy. 

#154 You have dreamt of becoming a famous musician and covering Beatles songs. 

#155 "Yes, I listen to music other than The Beatles. Does John's solo music count?" 

#156 "Get this bloody little mic outta way!" (you know who says this)

#157 You love Paul's puppy dog eyes.

#158 Thank to The Beatles, you now have unrealistic standards of men (if you're attracted to men). 

#159 You believe Ringo's smile cures all.

#160 If you had a sheepdog, you would name it Martha and make it stand in the rain.

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