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#81 If you play an instrument, you know how to play some Beatles songs.

#82 You're listening to them right now, aren't you?

#83 You wish to hear The Beatles on the radio, or you get excited when their songs do play. 

#84 When you're fighting with someone you start singing 'We Can Work It Out'.

#85 If you close your eyes, you can see them...(or maybe that's just me).

#86 You get annoyed because most people only know the most popular songs, but are unaware of their other hidden gems. 

#87 You either loved or hated the covers of their songs in 'Yesterday'. 

#88 You think the movie 'Yesterday' is a bit confusing.

#89 You know the names of the Beatles' sons\daughters.

#90 You constantly long to have been named after one of their songs. 

#91 When you step on a beetle, you shout out, "OMG! I just killed

#92 When "Beatles" is mentioned, everyone looks at you.

#93 You have read or even own Beatles books.

#94 You hate the 'Ban the Beatles' riot.

#95 You want a Liverpudlian accent really bad, if you don't already have one (or can even fake having one).

#96 You get excited when you see their faces, hear their names or hear their songs.

#97 Even if you don't sing, you have to sing a Beatles song when it comes on.

#98 The only complete French sentence you know is what you heard Paul saying in 'Michelle'. Unless you take french classes...

#99 When you first saw the 'Strawberry Fields Forever' music video, you were fascinated by the way Paul jumped up onto the tree and then how John said, "No one I think is in my tree" looking at Paul. Haha.

#100 You want a Sgt. Peppers uniform.

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