Dark Pasts & Doctor Visits

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*3rd P.O.V.*

Early morning sunlight streamed in through Luffy's bedroom window, causing (Y/n) to groan as she slowly woke up. She tried to sit up, but a strong pair of arms were wrapped tightly around her middle to keep her in place.

Confused in her morning haze, she looked over and saw Luffy snoring away without a care in the world.

This caused the (h/c)-haired girl to have a flashback to last night; Going on a date with Sabo, him bringing her back to his house, taking a bath and being in nothing but a shirt so her clothes could dry, and then finally falling asleep in Luffy's room with him.

She blushed as she carefully wiggled out of Luffy's arms, dragging herself out of his bed and onto the floor. She stood and was about to tiptoe out of the room when she nearly fell as something held her leg back.

Blinking owlishly, she slowly looked down to find a long, black, and furry cord wrapped around her leg and it was coming from Luffy's bed. She sighed, assuming it was just from a stuffed animal or something and gently unwrapped the cord from her and proceeded to sneak from the room.

(Y/n) definitely didn't want to wake anyone in the house, but the house itself wanted to be a rebel and was creaking loud enough under each step for her to physically feel it underfoot.

She tried her best to be as quiet as the rough floorboards would allow and snuck downstairs before making her way through the living room to the kitchen.

'The boys were nice enough to let me stay overnight. The least I could do is make them some coffee~.' She smiled and began humming to herself as she rummaged through the kitchen.

It took a few minutes but she managed to find the coffee pot and the coffee and began to brew a pot, humming softly as she did so.


She was so focused on brewing a pot of coffee and distracted by her own humming, she failed to hear the floorboards creaking as a very sleepy Ace made his way to the kitchen.

Ace walked to her like a zombie, his eyes not so focused.

"I smell something..." He murmured tiredly.

Jumping from the voice, she whirled around to see the very tired Ace.

"Oh, A-Ace, good morning." She smiled brightly at him, "I'm sorry if I woke you. I was just making some coffee for you guys~."

It was a little embarrassing to her that she was still in the baggy shirt that probably belonged to either Ace or Sabo, but she figured she'd be able to brew the coffee before anyone woke up.

"Hmm... how about you make some sugar right now, instead?" He smiled slyly, still not entirely awake as he went to wrap his arms around her and laid his head on her shoulder.

(Y/n)'s face turned bright red at the sudden more-than-friendly contact and began to stutter as she froze in his hold, "Wh-what? What are you talking about, Ace? What are you d-doing?"

"Oh, you know what I am talking about, baby. You can't play innocent with me, not after your naughty behavior~." He purred into her ear, still completely out of it.

She felt her head start spinning as she registered what he just said to her.

"A-Ace, what in the world are you talking about?! Y-you aren't having another one of those d-dreams about me are you?!" She asked as she placed her hands on his shoulders and tried to push him back enough so she could look at him directly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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