Welcome to Grand Isle

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(A/N); Hope you all enjoy this lovely story that I made with ShadowFox051 (known also as TheShadowVixen on Quotev)! She has her own great One Piece story too, so if you'd like to see more awesome content, go check out her story Reecounter!~

**Before anyone asks me, yes, this story can be found on both Wattpad and Quotev, and that's as planned, so please don't fret**


*(Y/n)'s P.O.V.*

The heat of the sun was almost making me feel like I was going to melt. Why was summer so warm?! Oh, well... at least the breeze here is nice.

I looked out through the window next to me and gazed out at the sparkling blue sea.

"Wow~! It's so pretty outside today, Noire! I wish we could sunbathe or something so we could enjoy it. The breeze is perfect too~." I sighed.

"Why on Earth would you want to sunbathe? To get some bad sunburns for our first day in this mysterious place? I rather we stay in the shade and observe our surroundings. The world is a very sketched out place, you know..." Noire commented as I shook my head.

Always the pessimist. Hopefully, her perspective will change once we land on the Grand Isle. Then again, that was just like her to be such a glass-half-empty person. From the way she dressed, anyone would think so too. She wore nothing but black from head to toe, right down to the roots of her wavy hair. The only colorful thing about her was her vocabulary on the rare occasion and the streak of dark purple in her hair.

"Uh-oh! Noire the Grim strikes again!" I turned to her and gently poked her on the cheek.

"Seriously, Noire! Lighten up a little, would you? We're basically going on an adventure here! A boat ride to an island in the middle of the ocean! What could be more exciting?!"

"Being chased by an infernal cat demon? You know, I only agreed to this lunacy because you seemed excited about this too-good-to-be-true ad. I still say that we should have done a bit more research about this weird island before agreeing to go on this "adventure" as you call it." Noire folded her arms, looking as excited about this trip as a cat drenched in water.

She may not be aware of it, but the main reason I was so stoked to go to the Grand Isle was because this experience could lighten the sour mood that she's always in. She fits her surname of Grimm too well for my liking!

"Oh, come on! The ad said that this island had one of the best cooking programs in the world! We promised to go to the same school and this one just called out to me!" I tried to convince her as I gave her my best puppy-dog eyes, "And besides--just think about it! You and me, leaping from the nest and into adult life to the same college! Best friends~! Together~!"

Noire was on the verge of smiling at my words before she went to simply huff in response.

"Yeah, you do have a point... but I've never heard of this place before this ad showed up. So, you have to at least understand my skepticism." She hung her head, before seeming to fall deep into her thoughts. 

"Yeah, I understand. But it's not like we're going to some foreign country. It's just an island." I placed my hand on her shoulder to encourage her to look at me, "Just promise me that you'll try to enjoy yourself? If you do that, I promise to take your concerns seriously."

Noire couldn't hold back her smile now, as she chuckled softly.

"Okay, fine, (y/n); you win this time," She smirked a bit before going to point a finger at me, "However, you are to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity that may occur; understand?"

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