Chapter four

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Iceclaw shook her head. "No more adventures for you today. You've seen enough of the territory to know even SkyClan!" She mewed.

She flicked her tail at him. "You May take the rest of the day off." She meowed.

The rest of the day? Sounds like it will be a pretty boring rest of the day. He thought.

It was quiet in the clan mostly. Other than the occasional sharing of tongues—and the constant arguing by Plumeheart and Hairfur—of the queens.

The camp was practically cleaned out, and all cats were either in their dens or were out doing stuff. Though Chargefoot was sunning herself on a rock. It wasn't even that warm.

The sun was still high in the sky.

What can I do? Ugh. I hate staying still! The young apprentice moved his paws, kneading them in the ground. Frustration on his face.

The rustle of a bramble frond got his attention.

It was Melonpaw and her mentor!

The young red she-cat was practically complaining about not being with Deeppaw.

Deeppaw was still doing her thing.

That's new. Are those two friends now? That's good. My sister deserves to have friends. Riverpaw noted.

Melonpaw's mentor—well mentor for the day since Sharktooth and Shrewjaw took a break from being mentors for a day—Hotpool rolled his eyes. His apprentice and Melonpaw's sister, Marigoldpaw, were walking side by side.

Wildpaw and Marigoldpaw were laughing about and talking about what seemed to be meaningless things.

Melonpaw was left out.

Of course it seemed she had other plans going on.

She checked the camp, disappointed lodged on her face. "Where's Deeppaw?" She asked as if she was a lost kitten, approaching Riverpaw.

She seemed lonely.

She was like this when the two she-cats had left the queen's den. She always seemed to be friends on a deeper level with Deeppaw than she was with anyone else.

It was kind of ironic because of Deeppaw's name.

Melonpaw also didn't seem interested in any of the time. She had a few come her way, but she waved them off with a flick of her tail for her friend, Deeppaw.

"She's in the apprentice's den." Riverpaw informed her, pointing with his gray tail towards the den.

"Probably should have checked that first." Marigoldpaw sarcastically meowed.

Marigoldpaw looked angry.

Melonpaw hung out with Deeppaw so much she barely talked to her sister anymore.

This was one of those rare occasions.

Hotpool must have taken them out after they talked to their mother because Gingerbreeze was in the Medicine Cat's den. Presumably doing apprentice chores.

The day seemed to be going faster than Riverpaw thought.

His paws started to hurt from standing there like an idiot all day.

He truly had nothing to do.

He figured placing his head on his paws as he watched his clan mates go around was a good idea.

He watched as cats came and went.

He almost snickered to himself at how he got off of doing nothing. Though, he wished he had something to do.

Riversplash's Defeat (plan on finishing soon)Where stories live. Discover now