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Fontaine POV
My mind was filled with thoughts.
"Nice bracelet.." Mom said with a look before she turned around. I look at my wrist, I had forgotten to take it off.
"Mom!" Ant whined as he walked into the room, "what important call was so important to make us wake up!"
"Well, when I mean important call I mean it's from Nereus!" Mom said sleepily as well.
"He said he wants to see us so we are heading to Greenland...." Dad said as he turned to face us. I'm sure he too noticed my bracelet as he glared at me.
"But Greenland is ages away!" Ant whined again
"I thought you wanted to stay up!" I joke.
"Mom!" Ant yelled. Mom was to sleepy to solve our argue instead she said "Fontaine plot a course for Greenland..."
I sit down nervously as I can feel Mom glaring at me. I think she knows Finn came on board again but hopefully Mom didn't know he was still on board.
"Fontaine please could you pilot for a moment, I need to check something." Mom said as the Aronax came to a halt. I reluctantly got out of my seat. Mom headed towards the screen with all the security camera footage!
Damn it! I thought, I had to do something or Mom would catch Finn. I made the Aronax do a barrel roll. Mom fell to the ground, luckily not hurt badly. Dad had rushed to Mom and then looked at me.
"Whoops!" I chuckle nervously. Mom stood up, it was clear she knew I was hiding something.
I'm sure I heard her mumble "What are you hiding..."

Finn POV
As soon as Fontaine left I went to the corner of the room. It felt like ages I was sitting there. Suddenly their submarine did a barrel roll. I managed to somehow avoid all the boxes crashing on top of me.
It was definately Fontaine who did that barrel roll knowing her recklessness at piloting. Also Kaiko would never do that! I thought as I sat in the corner once more.

Kaiko POV
I knew Fontaine was hiding something and I had a hunch on what it was about. I sit back in my seat glancing over at Fontaine every couple of minutes. I could see her looking at me time to time but whenever I caught her she would look away. All that went from my mind when we received another call from Nereus.
"Hello Nektons! Are you in your way?" He asked excitedly.
"Yes we are Nereus but whatever you want us for better be important since it's 10 on Christmas!" I said threateningly
"Well you will know when you get here!" He said. I hate his mysterious personality, it was at times quite annoying.

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