"I ain't know he even knew the difference." I said honestly.

We cuddled and watched him play for a little bit before Lucky texted me saying he was ready to meet.

"I'm going to meet Lucky for a hour then Ima come get y'all to take y'all out so make sure you dressed." I said standing up.

She sighed but didn't speak on whatever she was thinking.

"I love you." I said kissing her before getting up and grabbing my keys.

"I love you more."

Jalynn POV

I was in the mall coming to pick a chain I had custom made for Keith's birthday. I was dropping 10 stacks on him. I had just left the bank getting the money. He was sleep when I left but he should be waking up soon.

The jeweler shop didn't open for another 30 minutes so I walked to the Louis Vuitton store to pass the time.

I saw a purse on display that was really cute. I picked it up examining it before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I set the purse down turning to see who it was.

It was a lightskin girl with short, curly hair. She was very pregnant and she looks like she'd been crying.

"Umm yes?" I asked looking at her confused.

She sniffled taking a deep breath before talking. "Look I really didn't want to do this. I'm coming to you as a woman. I swear I didn't know about you until after. I swear." she said taking another breath.

I shifted my weight knowing where this was going.

"Come on." I said sighing walking out of the store finding a bench.

"When I found out about you I felt embarrassed. And stupid. I thought he loved me. And when I told him I thought he would be happy. But he got angry telling me he had a girl at home. Trying to say I trapped him. But I didn't. A baby was the last thing I needed. A few weeks later he called me and we went to the doctor. He made them draw blood from my belly even though the doctor warned us it was risky. I didn't want to do it but he didn't care. The results came back a couple days later saying positive. I thought he would step up now but he didn't. He stopped calling, texting. I thought about an abortion because I didn't think I could do this by myself. But this is my baby. I couldn't go through with it. My baby is due in two months. And I convinced myself I didn't need him. That I could do this by myself. But I can't. I just want him to step up. I didn't want to bring my problems to you. But I was walking around here shopping and I saw you and I just.. I thought you should know. And I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. And I hoped you could help me get through to him. I'm so sorry I had to hurt you in this way. And even if you can't at least I can tell my daughter I did everything I possibly could. That I tried. I just need her to know I'm trying." she said crying even harder.

I blinked back the tears that were forming as all these feelings flooded into my head. Part of me was sad. Part of me was angry. But most of me was just hurt.

I literally had no idea what to say or do.

"How long has this been happening?"

"A couple months before I got pregnant. He made me fall for him. I didn't know anything about you I promise." I did the math in my head. So they been fucking with each other right around the time he made it official. I knew it was too good to be true.

I went into my purse handing her the cash I was going to buy his chain with.

"That's ten thousand dollars. That should get you straight. The best thing you can do for your daughter is keep him away from her. Thank you for telling me. You could have been petty about it. I'm grateful."

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