Chapter 3: "Dragon Knight"

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[A/N] We'll continue on with the princes on the next chapter to see what happens. Hehe yes, I am indeed evil to place a gap in between chapters like this- Don't worry though it'll be the last. Maybe.


~*(Y/n)'s Povs*~

I covered my mouth with a hand to suppress my giggling as I hid behind a tree in the royal garden of Ananta. Waiting for someone or something to come close enough to where I was out of sight.

"(N/n), Where are you~?" A cute child's voice was heard not too far from where I was hiding, her small feet tapped along the garden's stone walkway. She came closer, and closer until she walked past me. I quickly took action by grabbing her in a tight hug from behind and flying up in the air in my dragonkin form.

"I gotcha now!" I spun in the air with her as she squealed in surprise. My feathered wings beat strongly enough to keep us airborne as my dress swirled around me along with the girl's long dress that reached above her ankles.

"Eeek! You win big sis!" The little girl giggled after admitting her defeat. She was indeed my little sister who is above all my shining star in my dim looming day and so were my friends who were there for me when we needed to escape from our princessly duties.

"Not until you surrender the crown!" I said in a goofy bad guy voice as I tickled her weak sides and flew around in circles in the garden.

"Hahaha! Ok ok!" She shouted in-between laughs. I landed back down on the ground to release her and stood up on my feet again. I was around 5'3" feet, making her a little shorter than where my shoulders were. She turned around in her pink dress with a long-tailed bow wrapped around her waist and her small princess crown on her head. She still has yet to have her dragon horns out but they will soon grow out like two little stubs.

I was also clothed in a beautiful purple and blue dress with pink flower detail along my waist, and with the finishing touch, I had on a silver elven crown around the front of my forehead. It was simple but pretty and soft on the eyes.

 It was simple but pretty and soft on the eyes

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"This was the 5th time I won without getting caught

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"This was the 5th time I won without getting caught. Kiera, you should do better, we wouldn't want you to be kidnapped by a scary hunter." I smiled down at her, softly pinching her adorable cheeks as she pouted up at me. We were playing a game of catch the hunter, it was similar to hide and seek but the seeking runs on both sides of the game. The catcher has to find the hunter before it reaches them and the hunter has to sneak close enough without getting caught.

"(N/n), you know better than I do that hunters aren't real! Besides they can't reach us in a dragonkin's castle." We were interrupted by the sound of armored footsteps coming our way. It was one of the dragon knights suited in a scaly blue and white armor.

He bowed before us as he addressed in a formal way but with a hint of playful teasing, "Princesses, your knight shall escort you to the King and Queen for dinner." He glanced up as he still bowed with a handsome smile. He was an ice dragonkin because of how pale his scales were at the side of his face and how his horns were rigid spikes like ice crystals hanging at the side of the roof in the cold dead of winter. Besides his white horns, his hair was a dark blue that reached past his shoulders in a majestic way, his eyes were a sky blue that seemed endless to stare into, like staring into the eyes of a magical spirit. If that wasn't creepy enough.

"Sir Blake!" Kiera eagerly ran to him with me walking up to them."What did you bring back from your portal this time?" She looked up at the knight with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Ah, we scouted around the deep shores of Aurora Lakes but found nothing much besides this..." He moved his hand forward and pulled something out from the girl's hair like a magic trick. What he pulled out was a very rare find.

I gasped, "Is that a pearl shell? I thought those were found in hidden cenotes of the lake." pearl shells were small see-through shells that held tiny glowing pearls with beautiful colors like the aurora night sky. "Yes, I thought they were great as a night light for princess Kiera." Sir Blake handed the pearl shell to my little sister, "I thought the same when I found them washed up on the coast. I took a few more for my wife and one other." As he finished he pulled another shell out from behind him and presented it before me.

"Oh, thank you!" I took it gingerly, caressing the edges of the crystal shell. I admired it with a gentle smile, staring at the beautiful glowing pearls from within.

"I was also informed before coming here- that the King and Queen requested your presence in the dining hall, urgently." I looked back up to him as he glanced at both of us before settling with me. "I don't know what it is but, I believe it's important for your future, princess."

'At first, hearing those words made me feel like something amazing would happen. Yet deep down I felt as if it was something horrible I didn't wanna hear. That night, I was right.'


Update Coming Soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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