The Test that Lasted a Month

Start from the beginning

"I don't have one." Rimu says still holding his stomach.

Shinigami slaps his forehead. "Okay, what weapon do you want?"

Rimu smiled. "I know how to use a bow."

Shinigami holds Shinji's gun and walks over to Miki. "Miki."

"Yes master."  She points her hand to the ground. "Growing tent that hides secretes."

The grass grew long and tall and then shaped like a house. Shinigami looked at the green house tent and then back at Miki. "Is there the materials that I need?"


"A tree would be better."

"It won't happen again, master." Miki said sadly.

"It's okay. You’re the one that can help me in need like this." Shinigami walks into the grass tent. "Make sure they don't come in until it has been half an hour."


A half and hour was almost up. Hisoka and Shinji were sitting on the bench looking at Miki and figuring what she is. Rimu tried to peek into the tent but, Miki disappeared and reappeared right in front of him. She punched his face as punishment.

"It's done." Shinigami walked out of the grass tent. Holding Shinji's gun that used to be black, but now silver and has Star Dust written on it. Shinigami gives it to Shinji and then gives a black whip to Hisoka. Shinigami walks over to Rimu and gives him a bow. Rimu looked confused. "Where are the arrows?"

Shinji checks his gun for any bullets. "There are no bullets in here."

Hisoka looked pleased with his gift and then felt bad for Rimu and Shinji. "How are they supposed to fight if they don't have any bullets or arrows to shoot with?"

Shinigami grinned. "It's funny how you didn't notice that you can't use your whip."

Hisoka was confused. He then moved his whip. Shinigami was right. The whip stayed as it is and didn't move.

Miki laughed. "Hope you boys survive!"

Shinigami yawns. "When you're fighting Miki's servants, you have to use a type of magic or try to use the magic that I made up with inside your weapons."

Shinigami waves. "See you guys later. If you

Shinigami walks away and then he was stopped when Shinji said, "Wait, I thought you said we have to fight Miki's servants, but I don’t see them!"

Shinigami didn't even look at him. "Stupid, they're behind you."

Shinji turned around and sees a green rose shaped as a girl. A purple rose girl was behind Hisoka and a light blue and dark blue spots rose girl was behind Rimu.

"Hello I'm your opponent." said the green rose girl. "Name's Iris."

Iris snapped her fingers. Shinji looked around the area and it wasn’t the park anymore. The scenery changed into a pine tree forest. Shinji glared at Iris.

“Where did you take me?!”

Iris shook her head. “This is your test. You should be ready.”

She lifts her hands. Two thorn vines came out and then transformed into two green guns. Iris smiled. “I hope you’re ready.”

Shinji ran behind a tree. Damn how am I supposed to defeat her, when I have no bullets? thought Shinji. Iris’s thorns cut down the top part of the tree that Shinji was hiding. The tree felled down. Iris smiled. “I see you.”

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