Chapter 26.2 - Right Here Waiting (2)

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The direction of her words had shifted too quickly. Even though her voice was very light, each word seemed to strike into the furthest depths.

This direct assertion of her standpoint plunged the entire living room into another deathly stillness.

Very quickly, someone broke this momentary quiet that had caused awkwardness in everyone. "Uncle Jǐ." Jì Chengyang rose from the couch and addressed Jǐ Yi's grandfather. "Just as I said in the presence of my father just earlier, I will shoulder the responsibility of Jǐ Yi's future."

Upon stating this, he bent at the waist, opened up a document folder, and set it on the coffee table that was in front of everyone.

"Ol' Jǐ," Grandpa Jì spoke up, a faint smile on his face, "if one really must say who is at fault for this sort of thing happening between these two children, then it is my son who is at fault. How do I say this? The age difference between these two children is actually not that big. You could consider them to have been brought together by fate. I'm going to state my position on this right here: I very much like Xixi. If it does not pain you too much to have to part with her, how about you do this as a favour to me and let her come to the Jì family?"

Jǐ Yi could feel her face was burning, burning to the point it hurt, like she was running a fever.

The whole time, Jǐ Yi's grandfather remained silent. The people of the Jǐ family also dared not say a word.

After a lengthy time had passed, the elderly man at last heaved a sigh and shook his head. "I do not know what else I can say."

Before Jǐ Yi got here, Jì Chengyang had already told the two elderly men what was inside this document folder of his. Now, seeing that Jǐ Yi's grandfather could be considered to have relented on his stance, he took off the black pen that had been clipped onto the folder and had Jǐ Yi come over.

Four handwritten sheets of paper in total were placed into her hands.

The dates on which they were signed, however, were all different.

2001, 2003, and also, for two of them, today. His name was signed on each one.

In 2001, prior to the surgery to remove his brain tumour, she, because of Zhao Xiaoying, had been pulled into an incidence of school violence. At the time, Jì Chengyang, the one who had stepped in to mediate all this, had pulled a lot of connections, from the family of the injured, to the school, until he had finally settled everything. This paper had been written with his own hand; it was the first sum of money that he had left to her and was for her to complete her schooling. If his surgery had failed, this sum of money would have been passed on to her by Grandpa Jì.

In 2003, before departing from China, he had left all of his personal assets to her.

As for the two documents from today, the first one was a certificate of personal accident insurance coverage with a high coverage amount. The beneficiary was Jì Chengyang's father, that is Grandpa Jì, but a contract of gift had been attached to it stating that the entire sum was to be gifted and the recipient was Jǐ Yi. The other document was Jì Chengyang's pledge to her: if anything should happen to Jì Chengyang, regardless of whether or not a matrimonial relationship existed between the two of them, all assets belonging to Jì Chengyang, including all of the inheritance he would receive in the future through the Jì family, would be left to Jǐ Yi.

This last document required her signature.

These were the entirety of the sincerity that Jì Chengyang had brought here today.

Before Jǐ Yi had even stepped again through the doors of this home, he had already had a discussion about all of this.

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only

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