Chapter 12.1 - The Person in the Past Dream (1)

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The principal personally told Jǐ Yi the final disciplinary measure that Fuzhong had decided upon.

"Originally, you should certainly have been put under disciplinary probation, but in the past, you had always demonstrated both excellent morals and academic performance. We had a meeting, and we decided that demerits would still be taken and a school-wide notice would be made about this. However, you may rest assured. The demerits won't be recorded into your individual student record."

There was obvious partiality in this end result. Leaving nothing on her student record was akin to having no impact whatsoever on her future.

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only.

After the rain has passed, the sun will always shine again. Jì Chengyang's surgery went very smoothly.

Three days later, the pathology report came out—the tumour was benign.

At the time, Jǐ Yi was in the rehearsal hall doing her final handover with her teacher. When she heard the word "benign," her heart leapt like it wanted to burst out from her chest. She suddenly threw her hands forward, propping them on that guzheng that had kept her company for more than two years. Feeling aching in her heart one moment and joy the next, she did not know whether she should cry rejoicingly or laugh with happiness.

<>It would be greatly appreciated if you would support this translation at hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com instead. Thank you.

Jì Chengyang was transferred to the cadre ward two days after the surgery.

Prior to visiting him at the hospital on Saturday, she had talked to him on the phone but had not dared to ask him about the situation with his eyes. That afternoon, when she pushed open the door of his inpatient room and saw that white gauze still covered his eyes, her heart sunk several notches.

"I'm here," she told him, her voice quiet.

A young nurse also came in after her and checked how Jì Chengyang was doing. Jì Chengyang told the nurse, "If I could trouble you, in a moment, if anyone else comes to visit, please tell them that I am already resting." The nurse answered affirmatively to his request. Before she closed the door, there was a smile on her face.

Jǐ Yi was only thinking about his eyes and was quiet. She did not dare ask, not even a single word, for fear that she would hear some sort of bad result.

"Is it sunny outside?" Jì Chengyang asked her.

"It's pretty sunny. Today's a nice, clear day." She was right against the bed, half leaning against it and half sitting on it. Because of the question he had raised, she turned to look out the window. Though all she could see were the bare branches of willow trees, she nevertheless felt that spring was not far away.

It was the end of February already. On the way here, she had even seen some winter jasmine flowers.

Jì Chengyang asked her to help him turn on his computer and, from a link in an email, download a video file. The name of the file was "." Wasn't that just the previous day? Yesterday, Jǐ Yi had heard her political science teacher mention that President George W. Bush had visited Tsinghua University in the morning.

Jì Chengyang's intention was that she should play the video and have a listen.

Unfolding the small table tray that was on the bed, Jǐ Yi set the laptop on it and sat side by side with him at the head of the bed. Her gaze was quickly drawn to Bush's speech.

"If it weren't for the surgery, this time around, I would have really wanted to bring you to the actual site of this yesterday morning," Jì Chengyang told her. "All the wars in these next few years will have something to do with him."

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