Chapter 7.2 - Night in Wellington (2)

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Even though her eyes had already taken in the sight of it when the plane was descending, it was different now.

Right now, she and the ocean were face to face with each other.

She was looking at the ocean, and the ocean was looking at her, each observing the other, getting to know one another.

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Very happily, Jǐ Yi ran closer to it, then ran closer some more, wanting to keep running like this until she was in the ocean. But from behind, he called her. She turned, not knowing what he wanted to say to her.

In the moonlight, Jì Chengyang came near. "Just stand here and look. Don't go into the water."

His long-sleeved jacket was draped over Jǐ Yi's shoulders, and now, there remained only a short-sleeved shirt on him. Under the moon's glow, she could see a very clear tan line on his upper arm. That should have come from when he was in the war zone? While she speculated, she turned back to continue gazing upon those boundless waters. She still was not quite reconciled to being unable to go in, but her resolve also wavered, for she thought, what he said must be right.

In the space of this one thought, a wave suddenly came rolling towards her. And then, without warning, she was swept off her feet and lying in a pair of arms.

The next second, the water had thrown itself at them, drenching his shoes. She, though, did not come in contact with any ocean water.

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only.

Instinctively, she threw her arms around his neck, and at its nape, her right hand closed around her own left wrist.

How did he suddenly become so near?

Right in front of her eyes were his eyes and brows, which were always hidden somewhat by his hair. An impulse surged up from the depths of her heart. She wanted to reach her hand over and brush aside that lock of hair for him. However, she was simply too nervous and could only continue gripping her own wrist, feigning composure, feigning that she did not want to do anything.

"The ocean water is very cold at night." His breath brushed the side of her cheek as he spoke. "It's not good for your health."

His eyes were always so striking, as dazzling as the sunlight over the snow-capped mountains, such that she did not even dare look straight into them.

It seemed that with his return this time, he was wearing his glasses more and more. In her memory, if he removed that pair of gold-rimmed, half-frame glasses, those eyes would look even more gorgeous...

<>Please read this at hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com instead

She mustered her courage and, for the first time, followed the little desire in her heart, looking carefully into his eyes.

Then, loosening her arms that had been wrapped around his neck, she took the frame of his glasses between her fingers and slid it off from him.

He let out a chuckle.

Jǐ Yi, though, was gazing at him. Sure enough, those glasses had concealed a portion of his countenance so that its complete contours could not be seen, as if this was a deliberate mask that he put on.

Right now, like this, he looked the most handsome.

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only.

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