Chapter 9.3 - Inch After Inch of Time (3)

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His hand was on her head.

Jǐ Yi turned her face to the side. For the first time, she heard his heartbeat. Because she was directly against his chest, each rhythmic beat was particularly strong. However, she could clearly sense that her heart rate was much faster than his.

The glass was still raised in his hand when Jì Chengyang felt her hands slip around his waist, then close together, encircling him. This entire action had been done very gingerly.

Just like the time in Wellington.

Jì Chengyang wanted to say something, but in the end, the words did not leave his lips, and instead, he simply drank the water in the glass himself. Before he had taken a couple of swallows, though, the doorbell rang. He patted her on the arm lightly. "Go tell Nuannuan to get up and have breakfast."

Jǐ Yi seemed as if she was startled back to awareness. Hastily, she pulled her arms back, turned around, and left the kitchen.

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only.

To her surprise, Wang Haoran was with Su Yan this time as he stepped into the house.

Nuannuan was genuinely tired from all her playing and fun, and feeling that this was no big matter, she simply hugged the blanket, rolled over, and carried on sleeping. After calling her a couple of times to no avail, Jǐ Yi walked back out from the bedroom. She saw Wang Haoran setting out onto some plates the soybean milk and youtiao [savoury, fried breadstick] as well as a couple of steamed buns stuffed with red bean paste and tangsanjiao ["sugar triangle" buns] that he had bought. Hearing her stepping out, he lifted his head and took a glance at her. "Hurry over and eat." As he said this, he picked up a steamed, red-bean-paste bun and pulled it apart. "Jì Chengyang, I have something to do today, so I'm not going to be your chauffeur. After I've eaten, I'm going to bolt."

Left (): 油条 Youtiao, literally meaning "oil stick," is a strip of dough that is fried. While it is often referred to as Chinese doughnut or Chinese cruller, it is a savoury food, lightly salted, and is usually eaten for breakfast with rice porridge or soybean milk. Right (): 糖三角 Tangsanjiao, literally meaning "sugar triangle," is a steamed bun filled with brown sugar that, when the bun is fresh, oozes out when bitten into.

Only now did Jì Chengyang step out from the kitchen, and giving an "mm" in reply, he said nothing more.

Jǐ Yi pulled a stool over and sat down. Immediately, Wang Haoran pulled apart a tangsanjiao and placed it in front of her. The brown sugar inside was still hot and emitting little tendrils of steam.

"It's good for young girls to have brown sugar. After I came out from Yon Ho, I deliberately went around the corner and bought this. You have this tangsanjiao. Leave the youtiao for Jì Chengyang to eat." He utterly had the airs of a chef allocating his dishes.

While Wang Haoran spoke, he took a seat beside Jǐ Yi.

Jì Chengyang sat across from her, and next to him was Su Yan.

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