Chapter 8.1 - Shape of My Heart (1)

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She had thought that when he was telling her about Mount Victoria, he really had wanted to bring her there for a look. The result, though, was not what she had expected.

The next day, Jì Chengyang left and went to the United States.

He likely was bidding a perfect final farewell to that period in his life as a doctoral student.

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Prior to her own departure from New Zealand, her schoolmates, when they were buying souvenirs, were talking on and on about how they would soon be leaving this country that was the first to see sunrise every day, and how they really didn't want to leave... Jǐ Yi recalled how that night in the stairwell, as Jì Chengyang idly conversed with her while holding her in his arms, they had talked as well about this same thing, and he had even jokingly said, "It seems there are many places where the people there like to say that they are the first place to see sunrise every day."

Their plane arrived at the Beijing Capital International Airport some time past ten o'clock at night. The teacher leading their group began doing a headcount while also stating the strict requirement that every person absolutely had to go back to the school first on the bus the school had provided, and then they would all disbanded.

"No one is allowed to leave the group before that, understand?" their teacher reiterated for the last time.

"Teacher, we understand," the students cried out one after the other in singsong voices.

Catching sight of Wang Haoran waving goodbye to her from afar, Jǐ Yi gave a polite wave as well.

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only.

Nearby, some people from Hong Kong were talking about something. It seemed they had come across a huge, terrifying incident.

She nonchalantly pricked up her ears. However, immediately, she began listening with seriousness. In summary, Phoenix TV had just made the news broadcast that a building in New York had been struck by an airplane... Hearing "New York," Jǐ Yi abruptly grew tense, but when she wanted to listen carefully to more, those people had already walked far away.

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Her heart was pounding wildly. In that instant, she could only think of the two words, "Jì Chengyang."

"Teacher, I'll be right back." She stuffed her suitcase into a schoolmate's hands and then straightaway sprinted towards the exit that Wang Haoran had left through. As she ran, she prayed with all her might, Please don't be gone. Only you have Jì Chengyang's U.S. contact details. I don't know at all how to contact him there.

Dashing through the automatic glass doors, in the streams of people who were coming and going, she followed her intuition and went searching in the direction of the taxis. Luckily, she really did see Wang Haoran and his friends standing off to the side, seeming as if they were waiting for a vehicle to come pick them up.

She rushed over and grabbed Wang Haoran's arm. "Do you have Jì Chengyang's U.S. phone number? Can you call it for me?"

Wang Haoran was startled. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I don't know." There was a tremor in her voice. "I just heard that a plane crashed into a building in the U.S..."

"A plane crashed into a building? In the U.S.?" Wang Haoran felt that these words were really too inconceivable. "That can't be, can it?" But seeing that Jǐ Yi's eyes were reddened, he knew she was genuinely distraught. "Where was this crash?"

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