Chapter 25.3 - Joined Pulses (3)

Start from the beginning

Fortunately, Jì Chengyang's original intention had been to come here to pick her up, so they did not linger.

"I'll bring you to see the Disaster Relief Fundraiser Gala." Seeing that it was about time, he told her, "Can you leave a few minutes early? We should still have time to eat dinner." Nodding, she left with him.

In Jì Chengyang's earlier working years, he had come here many times, and he was very familiar with the location of each department. Jǐ Yi had been terribly well-behaved in her internship term and had never randomly wandered around, so she actually was not as familiar with this place as he was. As they walked along, he would tell her which path would lead to which place, which location was good for catching a taxi, and which exit's little eateries had better food.

With her lips pursed in a smile, Jǐ Yi would nod and then nod some more.

This picture was just too similar to the start of a school year, where the parents of a student boarding at the school would first one by one learn everything, no matter how big or trivial, beginning with how to get food from the dining hall and buy meal tickets, to finally, how to take showers, wash clothes, etc., and then carefully, one at a time, explain each thing to their child.

Every so often, she would sneak glimpses at him beside her, this very different Jì Chengyang.

She was accustomed to his lightweight, casual dress and had never imagined he would dress in formal attire. Jì Chengyang could sense her gaze the entire time and was rather amused with it, but he did not expose her. Only after they had finished dinner, when the two were retrieving the vehicle from the underground parking garage and he was leaned over her, helping her fasten her seatbelt, did he finally ask in a very light voice by her ear, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"I'm not looking at you; I'm looking at your clothes," Jǐ Yi mumbled. She touched the collar of his suit with her fingers, then moved them to the knot of his necktie. How was this tied? She would need to look it up online when she went home and then practice. "Did you tie your tie yourself?"



"I bought several and then gave them all in one go to Nuannuan's mom to help me tie them." Laughing, he even felt that this approach of his had been exceptionally good, where a one-time effort had gotten everything done once and for all. "I've never untied them, and when I need to use one, I'll just put it straight on."

She gave an "oh," her puzzlement completely dissipating. Her fingers were still touching his suit collar.

There was no purpose to this type of action; it simply carried slightly an element of cute poutiness to it. He took pleasure in this clinginess to him that she was showing. This was what it felt like to be loved. In the past, regardless of whether it was, during his adolescent student era, the love letters and gifts that he had received or the girls who had waited outside the concert hall or rehearsal hall for a long time and would not leave, or in his adulthood, the women he had encountered who would reservedly or directly express their intention of trying to get close and spend time with him, he had only felt that they were bothersome and even resisted them. But when it was Jǐ Yi doing it... from the very beginning, he had never felt any sort of repulsion.

"You like it when I wear dress shirts and suits?"

"Mm-hmm." She let out a little giggle.

"In the future, I'll wear them at home for you to see." Jì Chengyang's elbow rested on the back of her seat. As he looked down at the one who was right under his nose, his gaze falling on her rosy lips, some untimely images rose into his mind, and hence the content of his words carried a suggestive air in it.

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