Chapter 23.3 - Time's Length (3)

Start from the beginning

The other party saw that she was a little worried and added another sentence, saying, almost every night that she did not come, this would occur, so there was no need to be too concerned.

Hearing the nurse say this, Jǐ Yi managed with some difficulty to ease her mind somewhat.

His mobile phone had been left inside the hospital room. She leaned back into the couch, but after waiting for a while, she dozed off. After an uncertain amount of time had passed, in her dreams, she felt someone within the darkness patting her and asking quietly, "Want to go onto the bed to sleep?"

"Mm." In her drifting awareness, Jǐ Yi made this sound in answer. When she sensed that she was in an embrace, though, she started awake.

She could feel that her body and legs were already encircled in his arms. Still, though, she struggled lightly, telling him in a soft voice, "I'll go over there myself..." Jì Chengyang could hear the meaning in her words, that she was afraid it would be strenuous for him to carry her.

"I'll carry you over." His voice appeared very tranquil in the dimness. "While I can still move about, I'm going to carry my girlfriend a bit more. That way, at least relatively speaking, I haven't really lost out."

Nonchalant self-mocking. But it also gave off a certain feeling that made a person's heart twinge.

Worried that his mood was low, Jǐ Yi did not say anything more. She felt weightless for a moment, and then he had already lifted her into his arms. Her face against the crook of his neck, she silently counted each step, praying that the distance could shrink if only even a little bit. When her frame was finally lowered onto the bed, her heart, which had been in her throat, could finally settle back down. "Where'd you go? You went out so late."

"Couldn't sleep, so I just went walking around."

"You're not in a very good mood?" She removed her shoes.

"Habitual insomnia," he stated simply.

This hospital room always contained an additional bed for those who were staying to take care of the patient, and this was not her first time sleeping here, either. However, she had not anticipated that after she had only just pulled over a pillow, Jì Chengyang would also lay himself on his side onto her bed, too. Though this was an extra-wide bed, the two of them were still very cramped on it. Jǐ Yi was quiet. Nestingly herself against his chest, she felt for his hand. A little cool. The temperature was a result of just returning from outside.

"Earlier when I was writing up a news brief on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I thought of something." Her forehead was resting against a spot on his shoulder as she softly uttered, "Do you still remember that you went to the Middle East?"

He reached back in his mind briefly. "I have gone a few times."

"The first time I saw you on TV was when you were in Palestine. It was in 2000, if I remember correctly..."

"2000's bombing attack site?" Jì Chengyang's memory was incredible.

"Mm-hmm..." She muttered, "Such a good memory."

He made no remark in response to that.

What Jǐ Yi wanted to share was actually a type of feeling, but when she tried to truly use words and language to describe it, it was very difficult to do. It was not as if she could flat out convey to him that back then, she had been like a little infatuated fangirl standing in front of the television screen, flusteredly scrutinizing him to see if he was injured, and had even been so silly as to reach out her hand, wanting to touch the face of him in the screen.

While her emotions were heaving, he did not make a sound, either.

After some time, she thought, he should be tired and had fallen asleep.

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