Chapter 15.2 - The Memories are Still Awake (2)

Start from the beginning

"Are you thinking about some matters?" Jǐ Yi asked him softly.

Shaking his head, Jì Chengyang answered in a quiet voice, "No, I was just thinking about dolphins."

His dark, clear eyes were gazing at her.

A laugh slipped from her with a "pfft." "We'll definitely be able to make the noon performance."

Jì Chengyang said nothing to that. It was currently only nine o'clock. The park was not even officially open for the day yet.

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only.

They transferred from MTR to bus. She purposely pulled Jì Chengyang back, not letting him get on the bus that was about to pull away, and stood instead at the very front of the queue. She wanted to sit in the first row of the top level of the double-decker bus and have the same view as the driver.

"That spot is the least safe," Jì Chengyang reminded her.

"It's no problem. I have you," Jǐ Yi beamed.

This answer was one that absolutely could not be thought upon too deeply. If something truly did happen, having someone with her would be of no use, regardless of who it was. But to her, since childhood, as long as a place had Jì Chengyang in it, there was nothing really to be scared about.

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That day, Jǐ Yi's wish was fulfilled, and she got to sit in the first row of the double-decker bus. And what made her feel even happier and more blessed was that sitting there beside her was Jì Chengyang. Gripping the handlebar in front of the glass window, she snuck a peek at him from the corner of her eye. In her gaze, there were towering buildings and there was Jì Chengyang. As he sat beside her in this space, it was evident that, due to his height, he was somewhat unable to stretch out his legs and so could only extend one of them out into the aisle. This posture was especially manly. If she really were to think about it, he was only twenty-five years old.

In reality... the age difference between her and him was not that big, only eight years. And the age of twenty-five was merely the age of a university graduate student.

While she continued looking him over, she discovered that, since his brain surgery, he was very fond of wearing a black baseball cap when he was outside of the home.

He also no longer liked to wear button-up shirts as much as he had in her childhood memories. Most of the time, he wore a black t-shirt plus a black jacket, or sometimes it would be dark gray. In any case, it was that type of colour that would least stand out in a crowd.

Jǐ Yi suddenly was curious. "Why is it that more and more, you like to wear black?"

Turning to look at her, Jì Chengyang gave a light chuckle. "How should I answer you?"

"Is it that difficult?" Jǐ Yi also laughed.

"It's a habit that developed gradually." Jì Chengyang rested his left arm behind her seat. Sunlight shone in through the full-length glass in front of them. Seeing her eyes squinting against the brightness, he could not contain his smile, and he removed his baseball cap and put it on her head. "This is the bad part about sitting in the first row."

The cap was a little too big. All at once, Jǐ Yi felt as if the view in front of her was completely dark, and she had to reach her hand up to lift the brim of the cap.

In that instant, Jǐ Yi smelled Jì Chengyang's unique scent on the cap.

Why it was unique, she could not explain clearly, but in any case, only this type of faint cigarette scent belonged to him. The ones on other people were just other people's; there was nothing special about those.

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