Chapter 12.2 - The Person in the Past Dream (2)

Start from the beginning

Crying a tearless cry, she clutched at the material of his pants. "My foot's cramping up..."

Jì Chengyang hastily set his computer onto the rug, stood, and began slowly massaging her right foot. He had a pair of beautiful hands, but in this moment, they cradled her entire right foot in them. "Better?"

The warmth from his palms as well as the light circular motion of his hand quickly allowed her foot to return to normal. However, there was another type of discomfort that was even more torturing, aaah. Jǐ Yi finally could not restrain herself anymore and swiftly yanked her foot back.

Jì Chengyang looked at her.

"My feet are ticklish. I can't take it even when people just touch it."

He chuckled. "Only your feet are ticklish?"

"... Everywhere is ticklish."

"I know." He spoke, and he was also grinning.

Right now, he was dressed in a simple, white, long-sleeved t-shirt, and because the room temperature was set to 24 degrees Celsius, his sleeves were rolled up to just below his elbows. As a person, if you discarded his extreme idealism, he actually did not have many sharp edges to him, especially now, with a smile at the corner of his lips that carried an impishness of wanting to play a joke on someone.

Jǐ Yi did not even have a chance to react before his hands had already reached over and were under her arm and at her waist. The tingly, tickling sensation instantly sent a response to her brain. Jǐ Yi let out a reflexive shriek and tried to run away, but she was utterly powerless to break free from this man's zone of control.

"Aaah! No, don't! Please, please, I'm begging you! Don't tickle me—" Tears had sprung out from laughing so hard, and eventually, her whole body rolled off the sofa and sprawled on the rug.

Before the hands behind her could pick her up, without even bothering to put on her slippers, she was already dashing barefoot out from that library.

Running into the study, she even deliberately circled around so that she was behind the couch, and with a wary expression in her eyes, she watched Jì Chengyang leisurely stroll out holding his computer. Her face was ridiculously red, and she was breathing heavily. When she saw Jì Chengyang look at her, she immediately pleaded for mercy. "I was wrong. I shouldn't have fallen asleep when I was watching a movie. You can punish me however you want, just please don't tickle me."

Jì Chengyang's eyes were so black they seemed to shine, and a smile was on his face. "Your school uniform should be dry. Go change back into it. I'll take you out to eat."

As if she had been saved, Jǐ Yi obediently went to change her clothing.

Because her uniform had gotten wet from the rain, she was wearing his t-shirt and sweatpants. After more than four hours out on the balcony in the sun that had come out after the rain, her uniform was dry, though just barely. In this early spring season, there was still a chill in the air. Jì Chengyang offhandedly grabbed a black jacket and also a black baseball cap, which he put on.

His hair had just started to grow back a little.

Gazing upon this appearance of his, Jǐ Yi called to mind what he had looked like in the past.

It seemed... both were really handsome.

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only.

His car had not been driven for a long time, so the two first went to a gas station. Once the car had driven into the station, Jì Chengyang got out of the vehicle. Sitting in the front passenger seat, Jǐ Yi watched through the front window, which had a layer of dust accumulated on it, as he walked from here to there, talked to people, and paid. While she was watching away, he suddenly leaned in close and knocked on the car window.

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