Chapter 7.2 - Night in Wellington (2)

Start from the beginning

As these notions ran through her head chaotically, the thought came to her out of nowhere that the way he was holding her was very similar to those actions of intimacy between Nuannuan and her boyfriend. There were times when she was not careful, and she would always manage to see those two nestled together in each other's arms, speaking in low voices.

Jì Chengyang had originally wanted to say a couple of joking sentences, but he abruptly halted. He could feel the softness of her chest pressing against him, rising and falling heavily with her anxious breaths. For one moment, he froze. Taking two backward steps, he wanted to set her down but discovered that her arms were around his neck again.

"This afternoon, I was listening to a song on repeat, and then you all of a sudden appeared. It was such a coincidence." Red had nearly completely infused her face as, just like that, she unconsciously spoke aloud the words in heart that she wanted to say. "It was Karen Mok's 'Suddenly.' The lyrics... are especially well written."

Can you understand what I'm trying to say? If you've heard the song, you should understand, right?

You have such high intelligence. A hint like this should be really simple...

"Even if time were to come to a standstill, even if life becomes as dust... we would, if anything, have more faith in love."

This was the first time in her fifteen years of life that she, Jǐ Yi, had ever professed her feelings. When she spoke these words, her mind even thought of many people, including Nuannuan. She did not dare imagine whether Nuannuan and Nuannuan's mother would die from shock if they heard these words coming from her. The one facing her was her best friend's uncle. That was even more shocking than falling for a little ruffian like Xiao Jun or Fu Xiaoning.

<>Please read this at hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com instead

Gazing into his eyes, she unwittingly held her breath.

Jì Chengyang held her in his arms and backed up another step, evading the waves that were rushing relentlessly onto the sandy beach.

"That was a song to commemorate the earthquake in Taiwan." He suddenly spoke. "In the face of disaster, be it natural or manmade, life is very fragile. Suddenly, the sky seems to dim and the earth seems to darken. The world before your eyes suddenly disappears, collapsing and crumbling to pieces..."

And so, you need to cherish the love that is by your side right now. But this last sentence, he did not say to her.

Jǐ Yi looked dejectedly at him, extremely surprised with the backstory of this song. "It's a song for charity?"

It turns out songs for charity and the likes can also describe the small, trivial type of love; not every one of them is about the great, bigger type of love.

"You could say it is, but also not really," he answered. "Here, help me put my glasses back on. We're heading back."

He probably really didn't understand what I was trying to say? Jǐ Yi comforted herself as she carefully helped him put that "mask" back on.

Jì Chengyang finally set her down.

<>Copyright of Fanatical, hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r[dot]wordpress[dot]com only.

When she returned to her hotel room, the girl she was sharing a room with had already showered and was lying on her stomach on the bed, making a telephone call home. Seeing Jǐ Yi walk in, she smiled, and moreover, it was a very strange, enigmatic type of smile. "Who'd you go out to play with?"

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