‘Oh, Lia. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking or my wolf. I just...lost.. control.’

Why did he lose control, was the question that arose brightly from my scattered thoughts? I felt Eric’s finger trace along the wound on my neck, down to the first button of my dress. He opened one, then went to the other. I whimpered slightly, meaning no. Eric seemed to understand.

‘It isn’t like that. I just want to bathe you.’

A knock on the door sounded loudly.

‘Come in, it’s open.’

The door opened widely, revealing Jamie and Grayson. Jamie smiled sympathetically at me, while Grayson had a permanent scowl on his face.

‘What is it?’ asked Eric.

‘I think it would be best if I were to clean Amalia’s wounds.’ Jamie stated.

‘No. I will do it.’ Eric spat possessively.

‘It’s for the best Eric. If you think that one bite is going to make her all lovey-dovey towards you. You’re wrong. She can’t say it now, or even feel it, but when she comes round, she’s gonna be pissed off big time, Eric and you know it. Let me do it, at least then she won’t feel like you toke advantage.’

Eric growled when Jamie said ‘toke advantage,’ but nonetheless he relented, kissing my hair and getting up, leaving.

‘See you didn’t need me after all.’ Grayson glared at Jamie. She rolled her eyes.

‘Just stay watch at the door. Nathan’s worried. Eric never loses control. Ever. We can’t take any chances.’

‘Fine.’ Grayson sneered. ‘I hope you both drown in the bathtub.’ He then turned around, his back to the door as Jamie shut it.

Under Jamie’s quick and expert hands, I was undressed and in the bathrub, watching it turn pink with my blood.

Jamie was shampooing my hair with care and efficiency. I wondered how she was so good at this. Then it hit me. She’s a nurse, I thought sarcastically.

‘How are you?’ she asked suddenly.

I huffed slightly. I didn’t have the energy to talk, though with some excitement, I did notice that my snarky and biting conscious had come back with a bang.

‘Guessed as much. It takes a lot out of you the first time. Werewolf DNA is some powerful stuff, it can easily overpower the human system, does all sorts of weird things. It’ll pass in a day or two.’ Jamie said, pouring a cup of water over my head, washing away the soap.

The bloody water was drained away as Jamie wrapped a towel around me and helped me out of the bathtub and stagger to my feet.

‘Your wound has almost healed. We’ll get you settled into bed. I’ll get Grayson to bring some food up.’

I pulled the towel protectively around me as Jamie opened the door to Grayson, his gaze going from Jamie to me then back to Jamie.

‘I heard what you said and let me tell you, I will not go fetching food for the human like some slave.’

‘Fine, I’ll get it, you can help the ‘human’ into the bedroom, get her dressed and put her to bed. How about that?’ Jamie spat sarcastically. Grayson’s stern gaze faltered slightly, before he scowled.

‘I’ll get the damn food.’

With Grayson storming down the stairs, Jamie helped me to the bedroom, dressing me in some joggers and a t-shirt before tucking me into the bed.

‘I had kind of hoped that maybe after the talk in the living room, we could’ve gone out to the mall, shopping. I thought you’d like to get your own clothes.’ She smiled sweetly, then it formed into a sad one.

‘I know you probably hate me. But what I did was for your own good, trust me? It doesn’t feel like that now, but if you had left. You would have wandered the rest of your life wondering why there was this gap in your soul, a gap that absolutely nothing could fill. People sometimes go there whole lives without noticing it, which is a blessing, because there is nothing worse than meeting your soulmate and then losing them. You would have in the long-run got hurt and Eric would have tore up half the forest.’

‘But you seem to have befriend Reynard and Patrick. They like you a lot. Sean likes you too, he was raving about that slap you gave Eric earlier today. Nathan thinks you are good for Eric. I know today you impressed Donald. And Grayson, well he’s Grayson.’

‘You will like it here. It’s beautiful. Everyone knows everyone. We all go out for hikes and runs. We go to the lake. We have barbecues and pot-luck dinners. We have the summer celebrations which are so much fun, packs come from all over. Then Christmas and the lights in the town…..’

‘And the fat fuck that we call Mayor.’ Grayson’s voice boomed from the door. He was carrying a tray of soup, bread and butter, and a glass of water which he placed on the bedside drawers.

‘The Major is a nice man. Jolly.’

‘…Like Father Christmas, except there are no gifts or presents for us. He empties his sack into his own bank account… and into Hilda, his secretary.’

I giggled softly, which caused Grayson to glare at me.

‘Well yes but we need a moron as Mayor if we want keep our secret. We can’t have anybody sniffing around.’

Jamie sighed.

‘Well, we’ll leave you to rest.’

‘Don’t worry I was leaving anyway.’ Grayson growled quietly.

‘Then go.’ Jamie snapped. Grayson stalked out, leaving Jamie and I alone.

‘Get some rest. Tomorrow’s a new day. Sleep well.’ She patted my head and then left, left me alone with my thoughts.

Feeling exhausted from the days events, I let sleep drag me away.

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