Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

 (Amalia's POV)

I trekked through the trees, wondering what the heck happened back at the lake, that caused Eric to get all flustered and frustrated. Why did he storm off, leaving me to just be free to wander wherever I please, like I don’t know, straight to the sheriff?

Finally, the house came into view, Eric nowhere to be seen. At the speed he has, he’s probably halfway to Canada. That’s if, he kept on walking. I fast paced all the way across and through the open back door.

I stopped suddenly when I realised that I wasn’t alone. A group of people gathered in the kitchen at the table. I could see Reynard and Patrick almost immediately, then Nathan with Jamie sitting on his lap, the boy from earlier today, and two other males who were sitting at opposite ends of the table, looking menacing.

‘Hey. Where have you been?’ asked Reynard, stepping forward and enveloping me in a hug. Patrick waved, his long dark hair obscuring his face. Nathan grinned and said Hello, followed by Jamie, who gave a guilty wave. At least she knows what she did sucked, I thought.

One of the guys that I didn’t know, stood up, pushing his chair backwards with a loud scrape. I flinched when his beautiful but stern brown eyes glared at me, his face contorted in rage.

‘So this is the human?’ He said, in a deep voice. From what I could tell, he was in his early twenties. Probably the same as Reynard and Patrick. A scar crossed his left eye, and I could see the edge of what appeared to be a larger and more horrendous scar at the collar of his shirt, that spread across his chest.

‘There will be none of that, Grayson,’ commanded Nathan, that made Grayson straighten himself up. I could now see Nathan’s leader abilities, he had a voice that you just had to regard with respect.

Grayson eyed me closely, his eyes trailing down to my feet all the way back to my face. He scowled loudly, making his disgust with me known. But he kept whatever opinions that were racing in his head, the judgements in his eyes, quiet. He sat down.

The boy from this morning stood up.

‘Well you probably remember me. I’m Seann. I’m the guy who interrupted you and Eric this morning. Sorry about that.’ He said, with genuiety. Everyone perked up at what he said, and I blushed.

‘What…em… exactly happened this morning?’ asked Reynard, looking at me directly. I felt my face turnt beetroot and I looked at my feet, noting that I had been without shoes all day and they were covered in soil and plant debris.

‘Where is Eric?’ Nathan asked, changing the subject. Good, I like change.

‘Um.. I don’t know. I thought he came back here?’ I said, quietly.

Everyone shoke their heads.

‘Nope, haven’t seen him, but that’s great because now with Eric gone. We can have you all to ourselves. Well you know me, and Patrick. You know Nathan. And Jamie. You’ve met Grayson. There’s Seann. And this is Donald.’

At the mention of his name, Donald rose. He was older than the others, I could tell but goodlooking too. Either a werewolf trait or something in the water. He was tanned, with green eyes and dirty blonde hair.

‘A pleasure, Amalia,’ he said, smoothly, grasping my tiny hand in his large one and squeezing it.

‘You too,’ I uttered. Reynard toke my elbows and directed me towards the living.

‘Everyone come. Come. To the living room. Yeah!!’ I snorted in laughter at Reynard’s oddacy. I was pushed onto the couch and Reynard plonked himself beside me. Everyone filed into the living room and began sitting around the coffee table. Patrick and Seann sat beside on the couch, Nathan stretched across another with Jamie huddled between his legs, her back on his chest. Donald sat on the armchair and Grayson, instead of sitting on the other available armchairs, stood by the window, brooding.

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